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I'm one of the hold-outs that doesn't use Galaxy. Mainly because I primarily use Linux.

I just bought the game and downloaded all 27 files for CP2077 but can't Install. I get past the language dialog, but then another dialog opens asking to "...specify the location of part 26..."

It's there.

I re-downloaded file '....(47678)-26.bin', and even re-downloaded '...(47678)-25.bin' in case it was looking for Part 26 as written in the download area.

I am doing all of this on a Win10 partition, not under Linux.

I hope the solution is easy. I'm not looking forward to having to re-download 102GB.

-----10 min later edit-------

I just now noticed that the files updated in the middle of downloading, looks like I'm re-downloading files 1-7 again (29GB). :(

Problem Solved
Post edited June 18, 2021 by GRANITsalvo
GRANITsalvo: I just now noticed that the files updated in the middle of downloading, looks like I'm re-downloading files 1-7 again (29GB). :(
Man, that is some unfortunate timing. But at least you don't need to manually patch the game. At least, not before the next update.

But out of curiosity, how does it run on Linux? What do you use? I guess Wine doesn't work. You use Proton? Which GPU do you have? Does it support ray tracing and is that even supported via... Proton?

I use Linux for the most part but my gaming rig is Windows 10. No dual boot, no nothing. Just built for playing vidya. That's why I do not know how Linux gaming goes.