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First of all, this game is everything I hoped it would be. I wish it would last forever.

I love everything about it - the writing, the characters, the shooting, the driving. Absolutely preem.
I took a week off work and played 16 hours non stop today and I still haven't even stolen the biochip. That's how much I love this game.

And surprisingly enough, I encountered almost no bugs. I was preparing for the worst after reading the reviews, but in my 16 hours of play I encountered only a handful of very minor issues. I think I only had to reload a save 2 or 3 times because of bugs that were actually annoying.
1. My rifle decided it will not fire anymore.
2. I slid under a half open gate and smacked some physics object on the way that fell and blocked me in a dead end.

So overall a very good experience.

However, there are a few things that are really a hindrance to the game (on PC). I know you guys are super busy fixing all these issues people are reporting, but I hope you find the time to address some of these:

1. Please add a Walk button for PC, and make the walk speed match the NPC walk speeds.
2. A "holster weapon" button, because double-alt doesn't holster the weapon, and the wheel menu is very fiddly and awkward to use.
3. A way to change V's appearance. If not a full plastic surgeon, than at least some sort of hair/nails/makeup salon or something.
4. Re-spec option.
5. Please let me preview what clothes are going to look like. It's a bit of a hassle to buy a bunch of stuff, try it on, and reload every time.
6. RTX self reflections. I'm sure there's some very good technical reason why I can see everyone else's reflections, and even reflections of my own shadow, but not of myself. But please do add this option, maybe as some uber-ultra setting or whatever. Personally, seeing V reflected in windows and glossy walls throughout Night City is 90% of the point of having RTX. For everything else it kinda looks like delayed cube maps.
Post edited December 11, 2020 by Rabbit642