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I have 2 major game greaking bugs that have not been resolved with the latest 1.2 patch.

1. Cyberpsyco Lt Mover cannont be completed because she died underneath some stairs and I can't access the body to get the data. Everytime I leave the area and return, her body is still under those stairs. A simple solution to the problem would be to have the data auto respawn in the middle of the area if the player leaves the area and returns later.

2. In "The Gift" I got to a part where the quest says to jack into the camera in the shop. I click on the camera and nothing happens. What's up with that?

I've had both of these issues since before the 1.1 patch. I quit playing for a bit to wait for more patches. I was hoping these would get fixed. I do not have previous saves to boot up because I didn't discover they were bugged until later.
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PieMonster: 2. In "The Gift" I got to a part where the quest says to jack into the camera in the shop. I click on the camera and nothing happens. What's up with that?
Are you just mouse-clicking on the camera?

You need to equip ping in your cyberdeck, TAB scan the camera, and select ping.

That will then direct you to breach protocol a port thingy in the room.
PieMonster: 1. Cyberpsyco Lt Mover cannont be completed because she died underneath some stairs and I can't access the body to get the data. Everytime I leave the area and return, her body is still under those stairs. A simple solution to the problem would be to have the data auto respawn in the middle of the area if the player leaves the area and returns later.
I don't know of an in-game fix for this, but just remembered this addon I recently looked at while randomly browsing what's available.

I'm not sure how their warning would apply to your problem, but obviously make a save backup before trying just in case it makes it doesn't work or could make it worse.

You could also try using the console or the CyberCAT save editor to manually edit the relevant quest fact. Again obviously backup your save first.

I've just loaded up a save of mine now and if you first sort by Name, there's a bunch beginning with cs_ then the neighbourhood. Mower is in Watson so it'll be cs_wat_ something.

I can't see Mower in my list but I don't know if I've triggered it yet. But they also look like they're named by location rather than the CyberPsycho's name. Maybe if you've finished everything all psycho's but this one, the unfinished will stand out in your save file when you look at it in the editor.
It could be cs for cyberpsycho sighting, but in case it's not...

I can't see any obvious candidates in my list of quest facts, but if you use the export to text option, open that file and do a search for "mower" or "mow", you might be able to find Mower's quest fact that way.
Post edited April 06, 2021 by Khelonos
Thanks. I was able to complete "The Gift" quest. It's funny, I had been doing PING hacks for a while now. For some reason, I didn't think to do it here.

Lt. Mover is still stuck under some nearby stairs. I still can't get to the body to get the data. I don't want to resort to mods to fix a problem that can easily be solved with a patch - repawn a key quest item in the center of the room if the player leaves the area and returns some time later.

UPDATE: I was able to complete the Lt. Mower quest. About 30 hours later I came across another cyberpsycho in the desert. I defeated him and picked up a shard. That shard had the information required to complete the Mower quest. I don't know how it all worked out. It just did.
Post edited April 23, 2021 by PieMonster