chimera2025: I mean to be honest, people shouldn't have to shell out that much money for a buggy mess and wait 2 months for it to be good. This is something gamers put up with, but they don't have to. It doesn't matter who it is, this shouldn't be the standard for games. Obviously gamers do put up with it because CDPR and other AAA game companies are still in business. But that doesn't excuse the practice. If an indie game company did this their games would never take off. They would be put in the dust bin and forgotten about. But for the next big release we seem to tolerate it. People are allowed to complain. That is the least they should do. This is not an unreasonable request. Even CDPR stated that they wouldn't release the game until it was ready. I'm not sure if I agree that they did that.
Also, if you haven't played the game yet, then you shouldn't be trying to convince others that it will be a masterpiece. You really need to have some experience with it before you can make such a claim.
GeraltOfRivia_PL: I think that on one side, CDPR genuinely care about making good games, but in the other hand, they are still a company that needs to make money. Obviously, no matter how buggy the game might be, they couldn't miss Christmas time because they need to satisfy investors.
The game's simply so large they weren't able to properly fix it in the time they were given.
That is the same argument that people use against Blizzard and EA. It still doesn't make it ok. You obviously have a high opinion of them, but that doesn't free them from criticism. Missing Christmas may have been bad for them financially and I agree people would have cancelled pre-orders if they delayed again, but all of that still doesn't make it ok. If a different company did this people would rake them over the coals. I got stuck in an infinite loop in the tutorial. One of the first parts of the game. That is not ok. I wasted a half an hour because of a bug. I haven't complained about it until now, but yeah, I was pretty upset about that. For all of the money I paid, I have a right to be upset about it. You can try to defend them all you want, but people have a right to criticize them too.
GeraltOfRivia_PL: To be clear, i haven't played the game yet. I am installing it. However, i have seen a lot of people complain about bugs, glitches etc.
Now, when i myself experience them, i am probably going to be angry myself. But let's wait a while. Witcher 3 was buggy at launch, yet it's pretty polished now - in my recent playthrough, the only serious bug i encountered was a mechant on Skellige bugging out when i would ask him to show me his wares. Aside from that, there are few distracting bugs.
I expect that to be similar here. The game's buggy, but give it 2 months and you will have no hesitation to call it a masterpiece.
midrand: I like the game even in this state - the city is massive, there is a lot of action (too much almost - the reviewers are correct that you are almost pushed on the main quest). I understand the difficulties in getting it all sorted in time. However, comparison to Witcher 3 does not give it justice - Witcher 3 was far more polished at launch. Did not have these types of bugs that you encounter pretty much within the first hour. I don't have any doubt that CDPR will fix them over time.
I noticed the same thing you comment about as well. That there is almost too much action on the screen. I did notice that there is a setting that allows you to change the population density in the city. I may try turning that down. I am not far in though. So it keeps pushing you on the main quest?? I like having the ability to explore. I don't want to feel pushed the whole time.