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I wanted to make this post to just put a bit of positivity towards cyberpunk. At launch I thought it was a great game, I still think that even to now. I play on an xbox one x, and about four months ago purchased an external SSD for my xbox made by Seagate. On top of making my loadtimes honestly comparable to the series x, it also improved the frame rate. Now I don't have a tool to actually test that, but from obviously playing it at launch, I was able to tell the difference. That coupled with the fact that I just never really experienced a majority of the bugs that the other console players were complaining of, and my experience was very good. Alot of people have been shitting on this game since it's release and I get some of it, but also realize that the general gaming population has never dealt with a heavily modified Bethesda game that becomes it's own hellscape of bugs and glitches of your creation. Perhaps that's why I was more tolerant, but also from that perspective, Bethesda despite making some of my all time favorite games, really don't support their products all that well after they release. I mean there's still bugs and glitches present from the original Skyrim that are still in the Special Edition. It's honestly a little pathetic, but that's why I have alot of hope for Cyberpunk. This last update was a great one I think, it fixed alot of issues that a developer like Bethesda would have just ignored. I fired up a new game on Cyberpunk to jump back in and I'm hooked once again. My first character was a Nomad and clocked in at just under 110 hours, and there were still plenty of side missions to do. I stopped playing because of my deep and crippling addiction to Skyrim and modding, but wanted to get back on when there was another major change. CDPR despite people's opinions shifting about them these days, are obviously committed to making this game the full vision they wanted it to be, and I truly believe they'll be able to achieve it. I can't wait to see what the writers have in store next, and i know this is a long stretch, but bring mods to xbox so you can make the game as infinite as Skyrim and Fallout 4.
Dmoneyny16: I wanted to make this post to just put a bit of positivity towards cyberpunk. At launch I thought it was a great game, I still think that even to now. I play on an xbox one x, and about four months ago purchased an external SSD for my xbox made by Seagate. On top of making my loadtimes honestly comparable to the series x, it also improved the frame rate. Now I don't have a tool to actually test that, but from obviously playing it at launch, I was able to tell the difference. That coupled with the fact that I just never really experienced a majority of the bugs that the other console players were complaining of, and my experience was very good. Alot of people have been shitting on this game since it's release and I get some of it, but also realize that the general gaming population has never dealt with a heavily modified Bethesda game that becomes it's own hellscape of bugs and glitches of your creation. Perhaps that's why I was more tolerant, but also from that perspective, Bethesda despite making some of my all time favorite games, really don't support their products all that well after they release. I mean there's still bugs and glitches present from the original Skyrim that are still in the Special Edition. It's honestly a little pathetic, but that's why I have alot of hope for Cyberpunk. This last update was a great one I think, it fixed alot of issues that a developer like Bethesda would have just ignored. I fired up a new game on Cyberpunk to jump back in and I'm hooked once again. My first character was a Nomad and clocked in at just under 110 hours, and there were still plenty of side missions to do. I stopped playing because of my deep and crippling addiction to Skyrim and modding, but wanted to get back on when there was another major change. CDPR despite people's opinions shifting about them these days, are obviously committed to making this game the full vision they wanted it to be, and I truly believe they'll be able to achieve it. I can't wait to see what the writers have in store next, and i know this is a long stretch, but bring mods to xbox so you can make the game as infinite as Skyrim and Fallout 4.
I enjoy the game too. I hope they can fix the pop in.

Another thing, I'm giving CDPR a chance, but I've got to admit I felt a bit shafted when they advertised the game for older hardware and then they admitted they didn't spend that much time polishing the game for older hardware. Buying an SSD should not need to happen.

With this being said, I've got over 300 hours in it and I am sticking around because I think the world concept is on point for me. I can't wait for those "free dlcs" so I can see more of what they were trying to do.
I'm also immensely enjoying the game.
Dmoneyny16: I wanted to make this post to just put a bit of positivity towards cyberpunk.
I suspect a lot of that is commercially driven. Corporate nastiness isn't just a thing in this game. It's very real.

And the first rule of anti-social media is, only every other other other other other other other other account is a real person. The others are operated by commercial or political shills.

CDPR is a tiny little newcomer muscling in on the extremely lucrative gaming industry and committing the most terrible sin of delivering great products at reasonable prices - which cuts into their competitors' profits.

eg.While there were clearly problems with the XBox and PS4 versions and they apologised for not showing gameplay of those, CDPR also originally stated that they had been unaware of those problems.

Which may be true.

A similar thing happened with No Man's Sky. We knew that Sony were contractually responsible for and in control of PR. We didn't know that they were also in control of and conducting all PlayStation testing for the game. At launch the game worked perfectly for me on PC but the PS4 version was reported to be riddled with bugs.

One of the first news updates HG released on their website was that HG had hired their own testers for the PS. We could infer they had reason not to trust Sony.


Sony have a history of teaming up with promising small developers, pushing games into early release so they bomb, and then gobbling them up. Eg. the MMO Vanguard, which was the first of the would-be WOW killers. They might not have reported a lot of bugs to HG pre launch in an attempt to kill sales.

Fun Fact - while NMS was in development, Sony had reported that they were also developing a sci-fi game. Not long after NMS released and HG didn't go under, Sony announced its cancellation.

That concept art is all they had to show for the game.

Possibly Sony had planned to drive HG into bankruptcy, take possession of their awesome procedural generation tech, and use it to roll out this and other games.

If so they might be less than appreciative of a game like Cyberpunk where the main villain is a Japanese mega-corp.
I hope for the best, but who knows. Especially after this udpate:
frogthroat: I hope for the best, but who knows. Especially after this udpate:
Yeah I was also very pleased by that news.

I generally enjoy multiplayer but fully fledged online games are necessarily a one-size-fits-all proposition. There's no flexibility for different tastes.

I love nearly everything about this game but not the limited attribute / perk system, or what some of the perks actually do. So I use a save editor to give myself enough to play how I enjoy and don't buy the perks I don't like. Free and flexible, able to do whatever I want with a single character.

The kind of multiplayer they now plan to add - which sounds similar to the No Man's Sky version - would cater to all tastes.