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I am very intersted in the game. But I really can't play anything in first person.
Yes I tried several tricks, but its really bad.

So, is it ONLY first person? will we get a possibility to mod it to 3rd person?

Can't find any update on store page.
Eruanne: Hello,
I am very intersted in the game. But I really can't play anything in first person.
Yes I tried several tricks, but its really bad.

So, is it ONLY first person? will we get a possibility to mod it to 3rd person?

Can't find any update on store page.
First person while playing, third person for cutscenes.
Eruanne: Hello,
I am very intersted in the game. But I really can't play anything in first person.
Yes I tried several tricks, but its really bad.

So, is it ONLY first person? will we get a possibility to mod it to 3rd person?

Can't find any update on store page.
They had talked about having both 1st and 3rd person in the beginning, but then dismissed 3rd person a while back, and just like you I really have a lot of trouble enjoying 1st person games so it was a very big downer for me at the time (well it still is).

Some people will argue that 1st person is the only way to ever achieve a sense of realism (in a game about cybernetic implants and flying cars) and that people like us shouldn't be allowed to play games in the first place, but unless maybe you play in VR, I personally think that 3rd person helps compensate the lack of other senses with more vision to better the perception of your surroundings and therefore can actually help immersion.
Plus in a solo rpg (is there a competitive multiplayer mode announced ?) there is no need to debate about weather or not 3rd person is "cheating" (which kind of admits that playing in 3rd person is better in a way).

I am not saying that either one is objectively better, but I love being able to choose and even better if I can do it with the press of a button, and in a game like this I definitely want to be able to rotate the camera around my character and enjoy the open world in a "cinematic" way, whenever I feel like rather than only in cut scenes, but here is the problem, making a game that works well in both views requires a lot of work on cameras, and it means ressources to spend on that feature.

Some games offer their own solutions for that, for example I can think of GR wildlands that allows 3rd person but "forces" 1st person when you press the aiming key, and I for one am not bothered at all by it because it works pretty well and seamlessly.
And honestly, even if I can easily admit that 1st person is fine for shooting, I really can't remember a single game in which I thought that 1st person melee combat was successfully achieved and satisfying (then again I tend to steer clear of 1st person only games so it might exist, maybe Dishonored ??).
Most of the time I think it looks a bit ridiculous, and from what I have seen it doesn't look like I am going to have a revelation here.

A solution I would absolutely love to see in CP2077 would be to start the game in 1st person "as intended", but giving the possibility very early in the game to get an implant that controls a "3rd eye drone" that would follow you and allow you to see yourself.
If there is a single game that could pull this off without breaking "immersion" it's this one, because it would fit the lore if it's seen as an enhancement, and people who don't care about 3rd person view could just ignore it and hopefully not be too sore in the @$$ at the thought that others can enjoy their game a lot more thanks to that option !

I doubt we can have this, but who knows, maybe someone will make a mod, that could be the next best thing I guess...
Eruanne: Hello,
I am very intersted in the game. But I really can't play anything in first person.
Yes I tried several tricks, but its really bad.
Am I missing something obvious here? Why is it that you can't play 1st person games?
Eruanne: will we get a possibility to mod it to 3rd person?
We still know basically nothing of the technical side of things for this game.
Homelet: A solution I would absolutely love to see in CP2077 would be to start the game in 1st person "as intended", but giving the possibility very early in the game to get an implant that controls a "3rd eye drone" that would follow you and allow you to see yourself.
If there is a single game that could pull this off without breaking "immersion" it's this one, because it would fit the lore if it's seen as an enhancement, and people who don't care about 3rd person view could just ignore it and hopefully not be too sore in the @$$ at the thought that others can enjoy their game a lot more thanks to that option !

I doubt we can have this, but who knows, maybe someone will make a mod, that could be the next best thing I guess...
I agree, I prefer beeing able to choose. I respect that they think first person is better for immersion, but that is not an option for me. And yeah VR works... sooo... hope that the game supports VR and I can afford a VR system soon? xD
Going to be an expensive aquisition of the game :D

Seriously heartbroken that they removed 3rd person option.
Eruanne: Hello,
I am very intersted in the game. But I really can't play anything in first person.
Yes I tried several tricks, but its really bad.
Links: Am I missing something obvious here? Why is it that you can't play 1st person games?
Eruanne: will we get a possibility to mod it to 3rd person?
Links: We still know basically nothing of the technical side of things for this game.
There are several medical conditions that don'T allow you to play first person. I can't say anything to that, but I do suffer from extreme motion sickness. as soon as I move the camera (yeah even slowly and with big angle) I start to feel very dizzy and nauseatic. If I ignore that, I literally see black and almost faint (or it feels like that).

So I really can't play first person. Or not more than a few seconds :D

Shame really, I am sure this game going to be pretty good :).
Eruanne: There are several medical conditions that don'T allow you to play first person. I can't say anything to that, but I do suffer from extreme motion sickness. as soon as I move the camera (yeah even slowly and with big angle) I start to feel very dizzy and nauseatic. If I ignore that, I literally see black and almost faint (or it feels like that).

So I really can't play first person. Or not more than a few seconds :D

Shame really, I am sure this game going to be pretty good :).
That sucks. I assumed as much, but since you didn't say it originally I was wondering if I was misunderstanding.
Yeah, I was going to pre-order this game until they played the "our artistic vision" card (despite clear indicators that the game had been planned for third-person or mixed perspective up until they had to scrap and reboot development at least twice, but decided to keep all the third-person elements like character creation) and insisted that first-person was the ONLY way to enjoy the game.

Now I'm just gonna wait until the game gets modded to have third-person view, or skip it altogether. I don't feel like blowing chunks every ten seconds of gameplay.
I hadn't heard this, and I'm also disappointed. I don't have any medical condition, but I constantly feel disoriented in 1st person games, and have a difficult time remembering where things are in relation to myself, which isn't a problem in 3rd person games.
I'm pretty sure in term of gameplay FPS will be better, plus the game was design for that. So I understand the choice and somewhat respect it. But that sucks the people with health problem, for sure (but that's the case for every FPS... : -/ )

But when action is not here that's true that I would like to be able to walk on TPS. Cutscene are probably a nice things to see your character but... well. It's a bit sad to be able to customize your character and not be able to see it when you want... Some people say FPS is more immersive and for action I'm agree but for all the RPG part, it's a hell of lot less immersive than TPS !

Anyway, with all people that already talked about all that, they know that half of the people want a TPS and that the other want what they'll have.

Personnaly I'll play it anyway because I wait it too much. But that's true that when I heard about TPS i knew that I'll probably couldn't take this game as the games that I dreamed. If there is a possibility to switch the view I'll play it like I played fallout or GTA : FPS when the bullet flies, TPS the rest of the time.

Well anyway, the subject was discussed so many times now...
Post edited June 10, 2019 by Daegann
Some people will argue that 1st person is the only way to ever achieve a sense of realism (in a game about cybernetic implants and flying cars) and that people like us shouldn't be allowed to play games in the first place
Oh, please. You are ridiculous. No one thinks, "people like you shouldn't be allowed to games in the first place". Stop with the victim Olympics. It won't help you.
but unless maybe you play in VR, I personally think that 3rd person helps compensate the lack of other senses with more vision to better the perception of your surroundings and therefore can actually help immersion.
I can agree there are cases where TPP can somewhat compensate for a lack of touch (for example when being hit in the back), but it only help with the tactical aspect of the game, it doesn't help with immersion at all. Choosing a third person view always make the game less immersive.

In my case, I can end up having a limited immersive feeling with an over the shoulder perspective game, but never with a full third perspective game. I always end up viewing the game as controlling character, not as me being in the world.
wbaric: Stop with the victim Olympics
Damn, I really wanted that medal !

I think I can see what you mean when you say that 3rd person will ALWAYS be more immersive, yet I can't really agree with that.
The thing is while it is objectively more "immersive" strictly because the point of view is closer to us having our eyes plugged into our head irl, it always feels to me like being trapped in an uncomfortable hazmat suit or something, if that makes sense.
So maybe immersion is just not the exact term I should use, but when I play that kind of game, that weird and clunky sensation is definitely not what I'm after, and it tends to make me disconnect with the game world.

It's not just about being able to see the character, even tho it's a really huge part of what I want to be able to do when I play a rpg, but on some level I think it can help identify or at least get attached to the protagonist I have often spent literal hours creating.

Now I guess they also must plan on having a cool hud in the game like an augmented reality layer directly in the character's head or something, and that may be part of the reason they tell us it's an artistic choice.
I'm pretty sure there could have been workarounds to make even this work in 3rd person too (like the drone thing I talked about in the previous post) but hey, we sure can pout all we want, we'll still get what we'll get and no game is perfect for everybody I guess.
I'll probably end up trying it out at some point (because I don't have a serious condition preventing it, sorry Eruanne) and hopefully I might even enjoy it, but I am pretty sure the frustration will stick hard, and as someone who very rarely plays fps but loves open worlds and rpgs I really think it sucks to see games in that category being 100% 1st person (during gameplay I mean), and hope it won't be setting a trend (I have the same problem with kingdom come and bloodlines 2, for that matter).
Oh i rly liked the idea of the game. And wanted to buy it. But first person is a nogo for me. So i will never buy and play it.
Thanks for your information. Homelet.

Post edited June 11, 2019 by Olfrygt
I think the reason why they went with 1st person and NOT being able to choose 3rd person is that in a game like this (unlike say the Witcher) it changes the actual gameplay.

For example, Cyberpunk will have a cover system. So if your character wants to peak around a corner while taking fire from the enemy it will put you at risk for getting shot. A 3rd person view would offer a dramatic unfair advantage as you can "artificially" look around a corner and see when the enemy is reloading a gun and take advantage. Obviously, in real life you don't get to peak around corners without taking a risk. 3rd person view in a game like this would offer a substantial advantage in gameplay. I don't think they want to use the "view system" as a difficulty setting adjuster.
I'm still holding out hope that they are including third-person view. The first-person aspect is conspicuously absent from all recent official descriptions of the game.
It's not just about being able to see the character, even tho it's a really huge part of what I want to be able to do when I play a rpg, but on some level I think it can help identify or at least get attached to the protagonist I have often spent literal hours creating.
We have a different understanding of what "immersive" means. To me, "immersive" means I feel I am the character. I don't need to identify with the character or get attached to him, because it's me!