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Head over to Nexus and have a look, there's already a few mods that enhance the settings menus.

This one lets you rebind some of the major things (including a dedicated dodge).

Just keep in mind: some things are hard-coded, and until CDPR gets their heads out of their asses and stop thinking in terms of console hardware and control limitations and start implementing some damn QoL for PC, you won't get anything much better.

Let's hope they didn't turn into Bethesda, waiting for their players to fix what they're too lazy or incompetent to do themselves. I'm betting that's a no, btw, since even Witcher took a while post-launch to get polished enough to shine.
Post edited December 13, 2020 by aerionop
please CDPR we desperately need the ability to rebind ALL keys........... F is just on the wrong side of the keyboard for so many of us.......... :(
Why is the standard still WASD, anyway? There are so many negatives with it: Less easily accessible keys with both thumb and little-finger, bigger chance of pressing windows key and the rest of the keyboard is further away.
Give me one good reason why we should keep making new players getting used to this less effective way of playing with the keyboard.

Let's put together new standards: one leftie, one rightie (for conservatives) and one that lets you place your hand in the middle of the keyboard, without having to set everything manually.

RMBfgh for life!
gloomandglow: Why is the standard still WASD, anyway? There are so many negatives with it: Less easily accessible keys with both thumb and little-finger, bigger chance of pressing windows key and the rest of the keyboard is further away.
Give me one good reason why we should keep making new players getting used to this less effective way of playing with the keyboard.

Let's put together new standards: one leftie, one rightie (for conservatives) and one that lets you place your hand in the middle of the keyboard, without having to set everything manually.

RMBfgh for life!
You know, I've been using ESDF for years, but you actually made me question that now. I mean, back when I started using it, games didn't usually have so many keys to bind, so it was viable. These days, however, games use so many keys, it would make sense to move the left hand a little more to the center of the keyboard, even though the keyboard is designed so the left hand rests naturally on the ESDF position (yeah, that's a thing, though it wasn't the reason I started using it back in the day).

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for the insight. I'll be experimenting with RDFG for now and see how I adapt.

And I agree that, whatever the case and respecting personal preferences, WASD is just the worst, clunkiest standard we could possibbly have set for all games to follow without the option to change. To each their own, of course, but don't take away MY choices. PC is supposed to be the most flexible platform after all.

fr33kSh0w2012: Try these

I play similar to you except mine is RMB/SDF

also note what I have done with MiddleMouse!
Thanks for the help, friend, but I've already modified the config files to my preferences. I'm just complaining (bitching, whining, whatever you wanna call it) about this taking away of the freedoms we've had for years on PC. It just makes no sense!
Post edited December 13, 2020 by Truehare

the key re-binding should be great, as a french player, I use azerty keyboard, and the game mix azerty and qwerty, so for example, each time there is more than one goal in missions, when I just want to walk forward, the game think I pressed w and z at the same time, so my objectives change all the time. really annoying
Second this
It's really frustrating to see CDPR claim (on the game's Accessibility page) that "almost all" keys can be rebound. I suppose they may be using a very...loose...definition of "almost all", but this seems downright dishonest.

I second the request that everybody is making, but the problem also goes deeper. It appears CDPR has coded the input so that certain keys can't even be recognized simultaneously. That's one of the basic problems with their implementation of double-tap to dodge, in fact. Totally unlike classic games like UT (where the whole series used double-tap to dodge, implemented perfectly), Cyberpunk doesn't recognize double-tap to dodge if you're already holding another movement key -- and this isn't the only issue with simultaneous keypresses being unrecognized. The game's keyboard interface is just really limited overall, perhaps due to CDPR looking at game controller requirements first.

All keys need to be rebindable AND keyboard interface needs to be more responsive overall, from the ground up.
Post edited December 14, 2020 by suibhne
Needs more attention.
Yes! I'd like add my vote for this too, as a left hander that has been using arrow keys and the surrounding keys for every FPS since the early 90's locked keys are the bane of modern video games.
There is absolutely no good reason for it and judging by the thousand of threads and posts I've seen on this subject in recent years I'm far from alone in this.

It's just basic game design to allow the customer to configure controls how they want and the fact that so many games now have these locked keys is ridiculous.
Still needs attention. Yes, nexus mods have "solved" this but it should be by default.
Any update on this issue? I can deal with the sub-par performance and the bugs but I can’t and won’t accept totally broken keybinds. This is a game breaker for me and will request a refund if this doesn’t get sorted.
Teemeister: Any update on this issue? I can deal with the sub-par performance and the bugs but I can’t and won’t accept totally broken keybinds. This is a game breaker for me and will request a refund if this doesn’t get sorted.
After patch 1.05 all of the arrow keys are rebindable for movement (previously only left and right arrow keys were usable, up and down not). However the Enter key still cannot be used (tried to rebind the default F key used for the 'exit the vehicle' action).
Keybinding is still a mess... Will this basic feature ever be fixed?

Best regards


EDIT: I had keybinds customized, which interfered with the keybinds post patch 1.2 after resetting keybinding to default I now can customize my keys (still somewhat annoying, but not as bad as I had thought earlier on).

EDIT 2: Laughable -> "use" is still not rebindable!
Post edited March 31, 2021 by derwendelin
Welcome to CDPR care for players...

derwendelin: EDIT 2: Laughable -> "use" is still not rebindable!
Post edited June 14, 2021 by PaiSand
asbrudael: hello.

the key re-binding should be great, as a french player, I use azerty keyboard, and the game mix azerty and qwerty, so for example, each time there is more than one goal in missions, when I just want to walk forward, the game think I pressed w and z at the same time, so my objectives change all the time. really annoying
Look at this, I made a patch to have the keys in AZERTY layout