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Dear All,
So a year had passed, and I am still exepriencing bugs, some of whitch were there from the start. You can find below few examples.

Sound glitches solved only with quick save/quick reload
Levitating parked cars or people
Immortal enemies
Not being albe to save for no reason
Panam cliping through seat of Basilisk
NPC clipping through stairs or walls
Blinding light from the sky when exiting character menus
NPCs crouching for no reason

I can agree that those arent critical or game-breaking bugs, but the fact that there are still in game after a year is a disgrace.

With regards,
I'll second that. It's a little jarring to go through edgy dialogue and good exposition and then run into a car half-submerged into the street. Or to get taken down by a gang of 6th street immortals. Or fall to death climbing a fence.

For my own part, though, I'd be happy if they just fixed whatever they did in 1.3 or 1.31 that now crashes my graphics driver every 4 or 5 minutes.

With that gone, I'd happily tolerate levitating cars.
yazonite: Dear All,
So a year had passed, and I am still exepriencing bugs, some of whitch were there from the start. You can find below few examples.

Sound glitches solved only with quick save/quick reload
Levitating parked cars or people
Immortal enemies
Not being albe to save for no reason
Panam cliping through seat of Basilisk
NPC clipping through stairs or walls
Blinding light from the sky when exiting character menus
NPCs crouching for no reason

I can agree that those arent critical or game-breaking bugs, but the fact that there are still in game after a year is a disgrace.

With regards,
The game needed at least two more years of dev time with competent leadership just to get it working properly. That's ignoring the fact that most of the stuff they promised was cut from the game or made up entirely for marketing.

So now they are working on the dlc to try and rebrand this disaster of a game and maybe some bugs will get fixed along the way. One of the devs literally said they aren't fixing the completely broken and pathetic police system.
so i bought the game and finished it over x-mas in one go. I found very few of your bugs and even if they fixed themselfs within a second.

Immortal enemies i found none, saving was always possible, panam didnt clip, npc's didnt clip and the blinding light was only there in like 1/100 cases and fixed itself instantly.
Never saw crouching npc's exept enemies in combat.

Sometimes a car i could buy was sort of in the ground with its wheels but as soon as i bought it it fixed itself.

Guess is must be doing something wrong to not get your bugs :S
Axonteer: Guess is must be doing something wrong to not get your bugs :S
Oh how much I love such passive-agrresive reply, its great, thank you :)
But do tell did you rush your run? I did. My first run was very much rushed, I was curious in the story and havent seen every bug fron above list. But on second run i wanted to see everything this game has to offer. And it offered me tons of bugs and I even didnt list them all.

Actually I envy you, i would love to experince this game in full and also bug-free... As it should be expected over a year after the initial release.
But what we did got was unfinished and even broken product.
Fear not for effort needed to fix these bugs was put into more impactful features development!
Like this one:
last i played the game was when the last update came out, and what i have seen there is longer loading times, still buggy but probably not as buggy as before, and the crowd variety reduced significantly, which is my biggest issue probably, i have seen 4 of the same NPCs walking in the same area or even next to each other, its terrible and annoying. Im just hoping for more updates that fix bugs, performance, and maybe even adds features to the game, but seeing how you cant hear anything about the game i dont know if it ever will get to a point of not being a poorly optimized buggy game.
yazonite: Dear All,
So a year had passed, and I am still exepriencing bugs, some of whitch were there from the start. You can find below few examples.

Sound glitches solved only with quick save/quick reload
Levitating parked cars or people
Immortal enemies
Not being albe to save for no reason
Panam cliping through seat of Basilisk
NPC clipping through stairs or walls
Blinding light from the sky when exiting character menus
NPCs crouching for no reason

I can agree that those arent critical or game-breaking bugs, but the fact that there are still in game after a year is a disgrace.

With regards,
Yep. *sigh* For me the three major game breaking ones are these: loot that is unlootable (dropped, and you can see it but not pick it up), Cyberpunk207 spawning numerous duplicate NPCs over and over randomly, and the police being just broken beyond belief... *sigh*
i had one crash in my 110h playtrough, and some minor bugs that are similar to what im seeing in witcher 3 and other open world games .... never had to reload because of said mentioned bugs so.... maybe update the game if you still run on 1.0?
Axonteer: i had one crash in my 110h playtrough, and some minor bugs that are similar to what im seeing in witcher 3 and other open world games .... never had to reload because of said mentioned bugs so.... maybe update the game if you still run on 1.0?
You can stop. The devs aren't going to give you a reach around for being a sycophant. As for the game itself, too little too late. They could completely rebuild it and it will still remain the failure that killed there ever being any unbridled faith in CDP ever again. Best thing they can do is cancel the dlc, bury this turd, and hope they can actually sell their next game.
Axonteer: i had one crash in my 110h playtrough, and some minor bugs that are similar to what im seeing in witcher 3 and other open world games .... never had to reload because of said mentioned bugs so.... maybe update the game if you still run on 1.0?
Zorvan: You can stop. The devs aren't going to give you a reach around for being a sycophant. As for the game itself, too little too late. They could completely rebuild it and it will still remain the failure that killed there ever being any unbridled faith in CDP ever again. Best thing they can do is cancel the dlc, bury this turd, and hope they can actually sell their next game.
Too bad I'm also in the "I had minor issues" camp with a complete playthrough in the first weeks. I had issues like the avatar standing in the car thing, cosmetic and immersion breaking, but not gamebreaking. The police bug was also there but it was, again, not gamebreaking to me. The game was OK in my opinion, but obviously there are quite a lot people with other experiences. And then there are people like you ... insulting others if they didn't happen to have your experience. You are an A-hole, simple as that. It's ok to complain, it's also ok to dislike a game, a feature or whatever. But it's not ok to attack others for not sharing your opinion or having an different experience with a product.
Post edited January 24, 2022 by wintermute.