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Controls feel super clunky and unresponsive, is it because I'm early in the game and not upgraded and stuff or is it like that in general? Maybe I couldn't find the right sentisivity yet, slowly trying every number tbh.

Similar case with driving, it feels really wonky atm. Do you get better cars or should I mess with controls, sensitivity etc? I'm using keyboard and mouse and all I do is tap and V starts doing mad drifts into a bunch of people then cops gun me down lol

Can you share your sensitivity settings? Especially folks who use keyboard and mouse for driving, thanks <3
Thoogah: Controls feel super clunky and unresponsive, is it because I'm early in the game and not upgraded and stuff or is it like that in general? Maybe I couldn't find the right sentisivity yet, slowly trying every number tbh.

Similar case with driving, it feels really wonky atm. Do you get better cars or should I mess with controls, sensitivity etc? I'm using keyboard and mouse and all I do is tap and V starts doing mad drifts into a bunch of people then cops gun me down lol

Can you share your sensitivity settings? Especially folks who use keyboard and mouse for driving, thanks <3
What about that the camera doesn't lock behind the car. that's what pisses me off. i can't eve turn a corner without hitting something, then i have to turn the f'ing camera to see where i'm going. christ.
I was trying to slow down and stop using the space bar (hand break) and I ended up skidding over some chick lol. Then I had one star crime rating. So I floored it and out ran them lol.
i tried driving with the keyboard, and it was quite horrible so i switched to an xbox controller, and it was instantly much much better.
funny thing is I found controlling a bike way way way easier than a car, usually bikes in games are more sensitive

so as far as I understand driving controls at least designed for consoles or perhaps controls in general were

aiming, moving, melee fighting can get really wonky and unresponsive like there's input lag from time to time for some reason, and feels like sensitivity changes on it's own
Thoogah: Controls feel super clunky and unresponsive, is it because I'm early in the game and not upgraded and stuff or is it like that in general? Maybe I couldn't find the right sentisivity yet, slowly trying every number tbh.

Similar case with driving, it feels really wonky atm. Do you get better cars or should I mess with controls, sensitivity etc? I'm using keyboard and mouse and all I do is tap and V starts doing mad drifts into a bunch of people then cops gun me down lol

Can you share your sensitivity settings? Especially folks who use keyboard and mouse for driving, thanks <3
bigE1669: What about that the camera doesn't lock behind the car. that's what pisses me off. i can't eve turn a corner without hitting something, then i have to turn the f'ing camera to see where i'm going. christ.
tell me about it lol

The thing I hate the most especially when driving is random UI elements covering half your screen sometimes getting stuck there, out of nowhere. Usually a quick load fixes it sometimes full restart

Bane of my existence though is the phone, you're driving through a new place getting to the mission location, your NPC is yammering on and on allready and literally every bloody "contact" starts spam calling you and you can't ahng up on any calls nor dialogues. Worst part about that is that unskippable dialogue blocks a lot of actions, you listen to a new character who pretends to know you for years covering half your screen scuffing whatever you're doing.
Post edited December 12, 2020 by Thoogah
Thoogah: What about that the camera doesn't lock behind the car. that's what pisses me off. i can't eve turn a corner without hitting something, then i have to turn the f'ing camera to see where i'm going. christ.
So true, driving with that camera is pretty annoying, i hope they will improve this for keyboard+mouse, because it is very uncomfortable and unpredictable behaviour of any vehicle
Yes, please let us steer the car with the mouse. Trying to steer with the A nd D keys is nearly impossible.

If it were just like the horses in Witcher 3 it would be fine.
The vehicles are horribly balanced. the first bike you get, the arch, barely turns, It's more like a truck than a bike. there is no reason to gimp vehicles like that in this game where cars are not important
Thoogah: funny thing is I found controlling a bike way way way easier than a car, usually bikes in games are more sensitive
The cars all have slightly different handling, although I find the bikes much easier to control too (shame you get no cargo space).

Bane of my existence though is the phone, you're driving through a new place getting to the mission location, your NPC is yammering on and on allready and literally every bloody "contact" starts spam calling you and you can't ahng up on any calls nor dialogues.
It's even better when they're doing it because they want to sell you a car. Cyberpunk : Used Car Salesman 2077.
for me the control gets better with better cars, the first 2 cars that the game gave you was medium/ low tier cars so they are kind of clunky, once you have tried premium car the experiecne goes up a bit, but certainly don't expect it to be GTA level, i mean, how many games could achieve that kind of level?

but its still playable, even with keyboard.
You can actually access the cargo on motorcycles as well, just can't use it. Why is it accessible then???

My biggest beef is the auto resetting 3rd person camera during driving. It is just superannoying that after 1-2 seconds it always resets. Watchdogs 2 also had this stupidity, but there I could use a small utility which would simulate a small, 1 pixel movement of mouse once in every 0.6 seconds. That tricked the game into believing that I actually moved the mouse, so it did not reset the camera. Here however the game ignores that tool, keeps resetting the damn camera.
I wish you could remap the driving controls to another set of controllers. It would be awesome if I could map the controls to my Fanatec driving wheel and pedal set. Lol, my Steering Wheel is even compatible with the Xbox 360 so . . .
Thoogah: funny thing is I found controlling a bike way way way easier than a car, usually bikes in games are more sensitive
Archonsod: The cars all have slightly different handling, although I find the bikes much easier to control too (shame you get no cargo space).

Bane of my existence though is the phone, you're driving through a new place getting to the mission location, your NPC is yammering on and on allready and literally every bloody "contact" starts spam calling you and you can't ahng up on any calls nor dialogues.
Archonsod: It's even better when they're doing it because they want to sell you a car. Cyberpunk : Used Car Salesman 2077.
lol exactly, in the future there are no car dealers I guess, they must've gone extict or something, no one know who sold the original car, the rest is 2nd hand to 2nd hand