Fly_the_Twister: If you want to see where the collectors edition from your country's store ended up look at the american ebay (ebay. com).
No wonder all stores sold out within hours.
Judging that cdprojekt red did nothing to make sure everyone had a decent chance to get a CE, it seems like CDPR is going down the lane of EA and co, losing fokus on the gamers which have been the biggest supporters.
Though I hope this is only my imagination caused by the desperation of getting a CE for the store price and not paying 350+ €.
xgribbelfix: CDP are not responsible for the publishing and selling of physical versions of the game. In Europe it's Bandai Namco, in NA it's Warner Bros.
In Germany it is handled by Bandai Namco. CDPR probably only told them a date, after which the CE are allowed to be sold. The stores selling them at different times is unfortunate, but not in the hands of CDP.
I know, but Bandai Namco should have known that the request for CE would go through the roof when WB decided not to release the CE. And as the developers CDProjekt Red should have been aware of WBs decision and paid attention that Bandai Namco would release more CE. I find it hard to believe that the developer of a very successful brand does not have any influence on the decisions from their publishers or does not care about their decisions.
This is why I blame CD Project Red as well as Bandai Namco for not properly calculating the amount of CEs required to last atleast a couple of days. (One Day would have been enough for me since I was checking regularly!!!)
No matter how you put it, someone certainly made a bad calculation/ screwed up.
VideoGameCarnage: Here is a link to a Belgian store that still has all 3 CE's available to pre-order. I couldn't find anything to say if they ship to Germany, so it might be worth contacting them. They're also available at Game UK, but they won't ship anything over 2kg abroad, so you'll need a friend in the UK to receive it and send it to you. Thx dude,
sadly the belgish store has the french version (afaik) and when ordering it i would prefer the english or german one. I know the game is not affected but the books.
And for the english one: I don't know anyone in england :$