nianiania: I want to report a bug: There is a spot in Northside (Watson), North of the Ripperdoc Charles, where there seem to be no ground textures. Even after exiting the game and reloading, it still shows no textures, which leads me to believe that they are missing. I've included screenshots of the location and the missing textures.
Make sure to report things like this to CDPR's official Cyberpunk 2077 support as well.
For some reason there's no form for texturing-/assets-related issues but the "
I want to report a visual issue" form is probably the next best thing to use in this regard: Also supports attachments (screenshots, save files, etc) up to 25MB.
Not sure if those reports actually go through/are sent off, though (maybe including the dxdiag.txt is mandatory?)
There's no "report has been submitted" feedback or anything -at least for me- and I have yet to receive a reply from someone that the report has been received and the reported issue is being looked into.