colon_calamity: Anybody else feeling that the cars are too bouncy?
Any curb, rock or a trash bag feels too exaggerated when driving over. Even the slightest irregularity on the road makes the back-end of a car hop up like its gonna lose its rear axle.
Archonsod: The opposite. I regularly find my bike stuck on discarded pizza boxes. You can plow through roadside barriers, run over pedestrians, smash aside cars and vans but if a carelessly discarded takeaway box lifts that front wheel off the road you lose all traction entirely.
Well that happens too. Bikes do feel weird to drive in my opinion. When braking a turning the bike does this weird 90 degree turn and stop thing. Just feels odd. And the bike does get thrown a lot by hitting the smallest items.
And yes, cars do just plow through bollards and barriers with ease. But I mean like, you hit a curb and your car jumps a bit. Although they feel planted to the ground while driving. Feels like their shocks are shot.