GHOSTMD: I preordered Phantom Lib
rationally there is no excuse to do so, not after THAT CP77 launch and the game till this day
missing a really interactive Open World that was advertised (more or less) in the 2018 Demo.
However, i am with CDPR and some of the developers for quite some time now
(yes those devs are still in the company) On top of that, CD Projekt Red was the only
Company that made me preorder a game EVER. At least regarding AAA Titles...
outside from CDPRs games i only have Subverse and SC which gives me rly bad vibes for
preordering it. (did it because of the package split back in 2014)
Subverse did not dissapoint me so far.
So me preordering this Add on, is more of a "direkt" second chance for the developers
on a personal level for me. I don't see me preordering any NEW games from the devs yet.
Because of Pjotrs ESG DEEP DIVE video, we will see though.
If the upcoming patches and the add on DO NOT change CP77 into the game the devs
invisioned early on in 2018 and even 2019. Then this will be definitly the last time i paid
for something beforehand.
What do i mean with CHANGE? Night City clearly needs a healthy dose of GTA SA
AI and not only the NCPD but also NPC AI needs a overhaul.
Gomorrah and other Clubs need to be opend and more interactive as well as the bars.
Yass i want my private lapdance :P but i presume that will come with mods anyway.
sooner or later
More minigames (interactive night city again) basically more fun and silly stuff to do in the
City OUTSIDE of the gigs and sidemissions and so on. That is where CP77 lacks the most.
Since you disliked that early release stuff, I'm surprised you are willing to preorder this.
I also hope this expansion makes the world even more fun to explore.
I'm a bit worried it'll be all in the new area though.