Posted July 05, 2018
Expeditions are crazy expensive though
Expeditions within a city, with one exception, only have a single obstacle, thus they could be finished with just 1 funds spent.
And it becomes a lot easier once you learn how to summon minions.
Protip: don't bother with expeditions until you exhausted both bookshop and auction house.
and I haven't figured out how to get rid of evidence yet

Nobody I sent after him survived
I tried walking right up to him and talking about his damning evidence
1. Minions. This will send a minion to ambush a hunter.
2. Poison. This will poison and kill a hunter.
3. Dread/Winter lore. Can terrify a hunter, first making it grim (immune to fascination), then turning it mad. It will generate dread too, however, and success in only guaranteed for the highest-level lore, otherwise it turns a hunter into an Idealist (immune to dread). Not advisable as it also generates notoriety and has pretty low chance to succeed.
4. Fascination/Lantern lore. Basically the same as with previous but fascinates the hunter instead of terrifying. It also backfires harder on failure, making a hunter tenatious. Ill-advisable.
From what I see, your next step in learning would be learning how to summon things. Try experimenting with rites, and read what tips the game offers with different combinations. In case you don't find a good combination, we can give you precise recipes.
Post edited July 05, 2018 by Spellsweaver