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Crystal Project Workshop Update: Version 1.4.0

Mod support has been added to Crystal Project! Create and discover custom mods for Crystal Project to breathe new life into your adventures.

How to install mods:
Mods can be added to the following directory on disk:
- Windows: %USERPROFILE%/Saved Games/Crystal Project/Mods/
- Linux: ~/.local/share/Crystal Project/Mods/
- Mac OS: ~/Library/Application Support/Crystal Project/Mods/

How to activate mods:
Mods must be explicitly enabled in-game to take effect. Mods can be enabled either on New Game or when loading existing save data. Open the mod selection menu from New Game or Continue using the "Mods" button/key shown at the bottom of the screen. Enabled mods are tied to save data and are automatically enabled/disabled when save data is loaded.

How to create mods:
The mod tool, Crystal Edit.exe, is a Windows .NET application and can be found in Crystal Project's installation directory in the Crystal Edit folder. It can be used to re-balance, edit game logic, add new classes, crystals, abilities, and more. However, it cannot be used to edit terrain or change textures/graphics.

The following are some guidelines for using Crystal Edit:
- Models can be opened either through the navigation tree (left panel) or through their respective grids from the toolbar or menu (top panel), however Entities aren't shown in the navigation tree and can only be opened through the Entity Grid.
- Minor changes can be made to terrain by creating new NPCs and tagging them as voxels (using the "Is Voxel?" checkbox), a special type of NPC that appears in-game as regular terrain.
- Entries can be added to many lists (eg, Statuses, Ability Mods, etc.) by using the list box's right-click context menu.
- Entries are usually removed from lists by using the Delete key, but in some cases the right-click context menu needs to be used.
- Entries can sometimes be manually re-ordered in lists by holding alt and pressing the up or down key.
- All model grids have an "Is Edited" filter at the top. This is used to find which models have been changed by the current opened mod.
- Edited models can be reset to their original state by using the Reset button at the top of the model's tab.
- The Project Model (opened via the toolbar or menu) includes general info and settings for the current mod.
- The mod's ID is used to uniquely identify a mod and tie it to save data. Crystal Project will only recognize the latest mod of any mods that share the same ID, so if you copy a project to use as a base for a new mod, make sure to change the ID. Similarly, make sure not to change a mod's ID once it been shared.

If you need any help, please feel free to discuss on the Crystal Project Forum or in the #challenges-and-mods channel on the Crystal Project Discord.

New randomizer option:
- Random Enemy Difficulty: Randomizes the difficulty of each individual enemy.

Bug fixes:
- The Lost & Found will now stock Quintar-related consumables after they have been used up.
- While items are randomized, if an item can be found in multiple locations, the Spoiler Log will now do a better job of picking the location that comes earliest in the game.
- Challenge Options can now be properly cleared using the Clear button/key.
Post edited May 28, 2023 by riverrunninggames
Crystal Project Update: Version 1.4.1

New modding features:
- Crystal Edit is now included with the Linux and macOS versions of Crystal Project (however it is still a Windows .NET application and will require a VM or compatibility layer to run).
- Added new Ability Mod: ResetSubJob. Reverts Sub-Command back to battle start's.
- Added new Ability Mod: GetExp. Provides or removes EXP.
- Added new Ability Mod: GetJxp. Provides or removes LXP.
- Added new Ability Mod: GetLevel. Provides or removes levels.
- Added new Ability Mod: GetJp. Provides or removes LP.
- Added new Reaction type: OnSkipTurn. Triggers an ability when manually skipping turn.
- Added new Condition type: IsPatchModeActive. Evaluates current Game Mode selection.
- Added "Learn All Job Zero JP Abilities" option to Project Model > General > Battle Config. Normally a class's default abilities are not learned until the class is unlocked. This option will cause all default abilities to be learned regardless.
- StatusRequiredTarget Ability Mod can now be added multiple times to the same ability.
- StatusRequiredUser Ability Mod can now be added multiple times to the same ability.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug where modded entities were not being applied with proper respect to the containing mod's priority while applying multiple mods that modify the same entities.
- Randomizer settings lists will now have their IDs redirected properly while applying multiple mods that introduce new models of the same type.
- The RestrictCommandTo Stat Mod will now have its job ID redirected properly while applying multiple mods that introduce new models of the same type.
- Text with embedded model ID references will now have its IDs redirected properly while applying multiple mods that introduce new models of the same type.
- Fixed error when attempting to draw text containing unsupported characters (unsupported characters will still not render, but the game will no longer crash).
- Fixed error that could occur when exiting to title while mods are active.
- Improved error handling when mods fail to apply.
Post edited June 03, 2023 by riverrunninggames
This is awesome, thank you for opening these possibilities up!
Crystal Project Update: Version 1.4.2

Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue where enemies would sometimes not use certain abilities while the No Telegraphs challenge option was enabled.
- Fixed errors that could occur during a playthrough when a mod update for an active mod deleted previously existing objects.
- Fixed error that could occur when using an ability with Multihit while Dual Wield was active.
- Fixed bug where a class with all zero LP abilities would be automatically unlocked when the Learn All Job Zero JP Abilities mod option was enabled.
- NPC conditions that evaluate classes will now have their job IDs redirected properly while applying multiple mods that introduce new models of the same type.
- Fixed issue in Crystal Edit that could occur when deleting a node in the navigation tree and then subsequently deleting one of its children.
Crystal Project Update: Version 1.4.3

New modding feature:
- Converted CooldownsMinus1 to Addi_Cooldowns. Allows for setting specific cooldown penalty/bonus values. Multiple sources now properly stack.

Bug fixes:
- Setting Home Point is now consistently unrestricted during minigames.
- Fixed bug where the default 6 classes could be incorrectly unlocked when starting a randomized modded new game.
- Fields in Crystal Edit's Project Model no longer need to be unfocused to have changes to their values saved.
I keep getting the "External Component has thrown an exception" error as soon as it gets too Loading Audio...
WaterDreamWarm: I keep getting the "External Component has thrown an exception" error as soon as it gets too Loading Audio...
Are you running on Linux? If so, please try setting the SDL_AUDIODRIVER environment variable manually as a launch parameter:
SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa %command%

This environment variable is used by SDL2 and for some reason it sometimes needs to be set manually (maybe when the default driver isn't available).

If it's windows, please navigate to the following folder on the full version:

%USERPROFILE%/Saved Games/Crystal Project/

Or the following folder on the demo version:

%USERPROFILE%/Saved Games/Crystal Project Demo/

And create a new text file here called "system.ini" (ie, a new file beside the other files such as settings.ini and graphics.ini).

Paste the following into the new system.ini file:

Crystal Project Update: Version 1.4.4

New modding feature:
- Implemented AddCooldownCountUser and ResetCooldownsUser. Renamed existing AddCooldownCount to AddCooldownCountTarget and ResetCooldowns to ResetCooldownsTarget.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug where comparing equipment as a Mimic would incorrectly remove the Sub-Command bonus from calculation.
- Fixed bug where travelling to The New World early in a randomized playthrough could result in quest flags being set incorrectly. Existing playthroughs will be fixed.
- Negative base stat values will no longer result in unexpected stat changes.
- Fixed an error resolving enemy AI while Random Enemy Abilities is enabled.
- Fixed Member/Member_2_MB walking animation hair color.
- Removed unused Icon property from Ability model tab.
- Removed unused options from the Damages property on Ability model tab.
Post edited June 20, 2023 by riverrunninggames
Crystal Project Update: Version 1.4.5

New modding feature:
- Added new status flag: Prevent Removal. Makes the status immune to abilities that would explicitly remove it.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue processing/rendering terrain on Steam Deck when set to 30 FPS or lower.
- During randomized or modded playthroughs, if a boss uses a transformation ability (eg, Metamorphosis) then the boss's drops and steals will be preserved.
- When the Skip Minigames Assist Option is On, the Salmon Sprint will no longer indicate the automatic placement when choosing to not skip the race.
Crystal Project Update: Version 1.4.6

New features:
- Added new option: Shared Input. Can be used to limit input to a single device.
- The save deletion and overwrite confirmation window now only needs to be held for 3 seconds and the window text is more clear about which button/key needs to be held.
- Slight performance improvement when loading new regions during exploration.

New modding features:
- It is now possible to add custom sprites. To add custom sprites, enable the "Has Custom Content" checkbox in the Project Model Mod tab. When image files are added to the listed folders, press the "Refresh Custom Content" button for the new images to be recognized by Crystal Edit. Only .png format is supported.
- It is now possible to add/edit Animations.
- Added new status property: Priority. Of all current applied statuses, only those with the highest Priority will be visually represented on the character's sprite.
- The player's current coord can now be optionally shown in-game on the map screen to help with placement of new/edited entities. To enable this feature, navigate to the following folder:

Windows: %USERPROFILE%/Saved Games/Crystal Project/
Linux/Steam Deck: ~/.local/share/Crystal Project/
Mac OS: ~/Library/Application Support/Crystal Project/

And create a new text file here called "system.ini" (ie, a new file beside the other files such as settings.ini and graphics.ini). Paste the following into the new system.ini file:


If the system.ini file already exists, append the following to the end of it:


- Added Member Defaults section to the Project Model General tab.
- Converted DoublecastMPCostFlat to Flat_AbilityMPCost. Allows for adjusting the flat MP cost of any ability.
- Added Troop Grid.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue where certain monster formations could become inaccessible during a randomized playthrough. Existing playthroughs will be fixed.
- Fixed error on Controls screen that could occur when certain input types were mapped.
- Fixed error when processing an ability with RandomStatus that didn't contain any Target Statuses.
Crystal Project Update: Version 1.4.7

New feature:
- Graphic Options have been simplified. Most options have been moved into the new Advanced Graphic Options submenu. The new Quality option can be used to automatically adjust Advanced Graphic Options to common useful presets.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue where game objects could get improperly mixed up when applying multiple mods that introduce new models of the same type (would most commonly occur with new Monsters). This fix will not retroactively modify existing save data for mods that have already been applied.
- Fixed possible crash when interacting with a Crystal that didn't have a Crystal Name set on its corresponding class.
- Fixed IsPlayerGender NPC Condition to properly display gender list instead of item list.
- If Audio Engine has been set to NAudio and the game fails to start up because of it, it will now attempt to use the default Audio Engine instead of shutting down.
- Fixed delay when first selecting New Game or Continue when many mods are available.

New modding features:
- Added new NPC Action Types: UnlockJob, UnlockPassive, LearnAbility, and LearnPassive.
- Added new Passive property: Default Locked. Use with UnlockPassive to have passives unlocked via NPCs.
- Added new Ability Mod: AddSpecificStatusCountUser. Renamed existing AddSpecificStatusCount to AddSpecificStatusCountTarget.
- Added new Ability Mods: StatusRestrictedTarget and StatusRestrictedUser. These ability mods function like existing StatusRequiredTarget and StatusRequiredUser except that their conditions pass instead when the selected status is not currently applied.
Crystal Project Update: Version 1.4.8

New modding feature:
- Added "Golden Quintar Jump 3" option to Project Model > General > Field Config. Increases the jump height of the Golden Quintar from 2 blocks high to 3 blocks high.

Bug fix:
- Fixed issue where Draw Distance couldn't be modified except for via the Quality preset.
Crystal Project Update: Version 1.4.10

New features:
- Added new advanced graphic option: Performance Mode. Enable to have certain graphic settings reduced while at specific locations to help improve performance (eg, polygon count, particle count, draw distance, shadow quality).
- General performance improvements to enhance the user's experience.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed various music looping/popping issues on non-windows platforms.
- Fixed issue where chunks of terrain would sometimes render with missing geometry.
- Fixed visual bug where sometimes the world wasn't yet fully loaded upon entering a new game.
- Fixed slight visual fade-in/fade-out bug when transitioning to narration sequences after teleporting.
- Fixed bug where the latest written save slot would sometimes not be properly highlighted after selecting Continue.
- Fixed bug where the autosave timer would reset after teleporting.
- Fixed bug where Graphic Options Quality would sometimes not show the correct quality preset.
- Fixed bug where the left/right keys/buttons could open Advanced Graphic Options.

New modding feature:
- Added new Item property: Is Combat. Causes items that would normally be categorized as Key Items to be categorized as Consumables instead (eg, Scrolls).

Modding bug fixes:
- When an error occurs while attempting to load save data, a popup containing the error message is now shown to the player.
- Fixed bug where member Auto Ability was not being properly cleared when exiting to title. This would sometimes cause modded playthroughs to crash when attempting to exit to title.
- Fixed crash that could sometimes occur when playing with mods that have modded status animations.
- The Inherent Status Biome property will now have its status ID redirected properly while applying multiple mods that introduce new models of the same type.
- The Flat_AbilityMPCost Stat Mod will now have its ability ID redirected properly while applying multiple mods that introduce new models of the same type.
Crystal Project Update: Version 1.5.0

New features:
- Added support for high refresh rate displays. To enable, go to Menu > Options > Graphic Options > Frame Rate > Set to Display.
- Added "Play All Music" to Music Archive. When activated, all unlocked music tracks will be looped sequentially as a playlist.
- It is now possible to copy and paste randomizer options to and from the clipboard.
- SSAA Anti-Aliasing and Ultra Shadows have been restricted on Steam Deck. These settings cause terrain to load slowly but this isn't immediately noticeable which makes them seem unrelated to the problem. These settings can be re-enabled by opening the graphics.ini file and setting LimitGraphicOptions to False.

New modding features:
- Added Preview panel to Troop model tab in Crystal Edit.
- Added new Job properties: "Can Select Job" and "Can Select Sub Job". Default is enabled. Disabling prevents the job from being used as a Class and/or as a Sub-Command.
- Added new Ability Mod: AttributeDamageRate. Applies a percentage of the ability's damage to another attribute.
- Added new Ability Mods: AddToSpecificStatusCountTarget and AddToSpecificStatusCountUser. They function like the existing AddSpecificStatusCountTarget and AddSpecificStatusCountUser except that they do not apply a status if it hasn't already been applied.
- Added new Ability Mod: RandomStatusUser. Renamed existing RandomStatus to RandomStatusTarget.
- Added "Don't Change Loot" option to ChangeMonster Ability Mod. Enables changing a monster without affecting its drop & steal inventories.
- StatusRequiredUser and StatusRestrictedUser Ability Mods are now evaluated for ability usage instead of just for hit chance.
- Using a negative quantity for the ConsumeItem Ability Mod is now properly supported.
- Added Condition filter to Entity Grid in Crystal Edit.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug where if a dual wielded ability consumed the last available Scroll, then the attack would only swing once.
- Fixed bug where sometimes windows could overlap when attempting to begin a class change.
- Fixed bug where the Auto Save notification could linger over menus or dialogue.
- When progression items are randomized, if any books are moved into the library, then the Librarian will no longer consider those books missing after attempting to enter.

Modding bug fixes:
- Fixed bug where the Crystal Edit window could be larger than the desktop on startup.
- The IsAbilityUnlocked NPC condition will now have its ability ID redirected properly while applying multiple mods that introduce new models of the same type.
- The UnlockJob, UnlockPassive, and LearnPassive NPC Action Types will now have their IDs redirected properly while applying multiple mods that introduce new models of the same type.
- AddSpecificStatusCountTarget Ability Mod now properly applies a status if the target didn't already have it applied.
- Removed unused attribute types from dropdown lists in Crystal Edit.
- Fixed bug where monsters would display an ability's custom message for every unrelated reaction after the ability was used.
- Fixed issue where an ability usage animation's texture might not be displayed correctly the first time it is shown on screen.
- Fixed error when showing an animation that has cells but doesn't have a texture.
- Fixed menu portrait display for custom member textures with non-standard sizes.
- Fixed error that could occur when previewing an ability that adds a status that has an immunity to itself.
- Fixed error that would eventually occur after banishing all party members while outside of battle.