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Not sure if this forum is still active but I had waited since it was first released to get this all patched up and playable as I had read the reviews on GoG which sounded pretty frustrating. So it's been out for a bit and the Anniversary was on special so I grabbed it after reading that 'all' the issues had been fixed ('all' as in some say they haven't, but others refuting their issues and saying they don't experience such problems... grain of salt sort of situation).

1) First, is there a manual somewhere explaining symbols/icons. Most are easy to interpret, and most have a tool tip when hovering the curser, but for example, occasionally I have a staff that gets what appears to be a parchment and feather pen icon above their heads and they wander into one of the private rooms and just stand there hunched over? Then there's the blank icon above a staff head in both busy and rest colours?

So having played it for 60+ hours in sandbox on the easiest level to try things out and see what glitches manifest before I get serious, I started to get the Vedetas (basically naked lap dancers, but that's ok, I don't get any special jollies out of that apart from being treated like an adult at 65yo and not like a teenager) and then some adventurers followed by bards and seers. And of course, quests.

2) Is there a time limit between quests? Can you send patrons on multiple quests? Initially I only had one guest who met any quest requirements (a Vedeta with high DEX and CHA) and she succeeded and returned victorious. I was busy working out other things in the game and shortly got some fresh quests and had two adventurers that met different the requirements or two different quests but only the first guy I sent off went and the other just wandered about the inn 'preparing' until their queue simply cleared--vanished before my very eyes as the first bloke succeeded in his mission.

Later still, I managed to have a combo of four guests able to take all four quests on the board only none of them got past the preparing stage and the queue eventually just cleared again. But before that, I did have an adventurer attempt and fail a quest, and another before that succeed.

The only thing in common was that I had one quest succeed/fail per evening session before I could hopefully send off one in the next session. However, sometimes I could have up to two evening sessions (2-4hrs between dinner and bed) where I couldn't get anyone to start a quest at all! Just sit in the queue until the queue simply clears unattempted over 1-3 in-game days. The notice board tells me the quests should be there for 12 days unless I'm reading that wrong? But when the queue clears, it's like rolling odds or evens on a D6 to see if the quest is still listed or if it's gone from the notice board altogether?

3) Can you remove offered meals from the menu? Unless I can't see it for looking, I can't see anything that allows me to remove a meal from the menu? I only wish to do so because I don't wish to cater to the demographic that favours it (and therefore unclutter the menu list)... and does simply having the listed meal attract the demographic that prefers it but not getting the ingredients cause dissatisfaction and lower my rep when they show up?

4) Is the game still being supported? Are there patches still being released?

Apart from that and a few minor annoyances, it does actually run well on my rig and I do find it relaxing for the most part--I'm a huge sim player in the sense of all the Sim Cites and The Sims (1-4) as they can be real time wasters when I only want to wind down.

If anyone can help, that would be nice, cheers.

--The Roc
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