Posted November 17, 2020
Data sizes from 2.31(2020_10_15) to 2.36 (2020_11_17):
.exe old: 883KB, new 849KB
1.bin old: 4.193.429KB, new 4.193.463KB
2.bin old: 3.856.271KB, new 1.081.535KB -> more than 2GB lost - what´s the matter with it?
It seems to me, that corrupted/bugged data was removed without any replacement?
Who played both versions and can tell us something about this fact?
Thank you
.exe old: 883KB, new 849KB
1.bin old: 4.193.429KB, new 4.193.463KB
2.bin old: 3.856.271KB, new 1.081.535KB -> more than 2GB lost - what´s the matter with it?
It seems to me, that corrupted/bugged data was removed without any replacement?
Who played both versions and can tell us something about this fact?
Thank you