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When I see that there is a season pass on steam but not here (I don't get into detail about the marketing BS a SP is), then I know for sure how "well" the gog release will be maintained ... endless waiting for patches, no interaction with the comunity oin gog ... the typicall cashgrab action from so many devs and publishers.
I mean: they are even slow to grab more money here, what do you expct from the rest?
GOG should REALLY rethink the contracts they sign. Why should I buy a game on GOG if it takes longer to get patches, support and in general feel neglected? Yeah, exactly. DRM free is the ONLY selling point of GOG right now, because exactly what I mentioned happens with soooo many titles on GOG ...
I did my best and decided to buy Polish game, on Polish platform, as I did with Witcher 3. To support the developer, so they can earn more money and grow.

What I got with Crossroads Inn GOG release? Delayed patches, right now Steam has 1.2 version of Crossroads Inn, on Wednesday they will get a big patch. What's the GOG answer to all of this?

Here we have 28.10.2019 - still patch 1.1

This is sick, I've made a request to return the game, so I will buy it on Steam.

My suggestion to all people who consider to buy this game on GOG - BAD IDEA.

I've never felt so angry with GOG, I really hope it's developers fault, otherwise I won't buy any game on GOG ever again.

That's my opinion in this.
Post edited October 28, 2019 by krefcik93
krefcik93: Here we have 28.10.2019 - still patch 1.1
The description is wrong.

The version here at GOG is 1.0.0.

Both about Galaxy and about the direct download.
krefcik93: Here we have 28.10.2019 - still patch 1.1
Thanaht: The description is wrong.

The version here at GOG is 1.0.0.

Both about Galaxy and about the direct download.
No, maybe in English (no idea)
Post edited October 28, 2019 by krefcik93
The description (on the shop page) is wrong.

Look in the game.
Thanaht: The description (on the shop page) is wrong.

Look in the game.
You're right. So it's even worse. It's cheating + ingoring the players. Great.
wintermute.: DRM free is the ONLY selling point of GOG right now, because exactly what I mentioned happens with soooo many titles on GOG ...
krefcik93: I've never felt so angry with GOG, I really hope it's developers fault, otherwise I won't buy any game on GOG ever again.
This kind of garbage behaviour IS the developer's fault. GOG does have the backend that allows for timely updates (there are many other games here that have same-day patches with Steam). The only thing GOG lags behind with is the offline backup installers, which take time because they are packaged and tested by hand by GOG staff.

So, if you're upset about it - and you should be! - direct your frustration and disappointment to the source of this shitty behaviour: the developers! If you never tell them directly, how will they know that their behaviour isn't acceptable? How will they know that they need to fix it?

And, this part is just my 2 cents, but buying on Steam because the GOG version is left behind, without telling the devs how you feel... well, that just sends the message to the devs, "Keep treating GOG customers like garbage, Steam is king, we will still support you." All they see and care about are sales figures, and if Steam keeps winning, things will never change. :c
Post edited October 30, 2019 by personthingy
User personthingy is right.
Best adress for complaints about disadvantages of the GoG-version is the developer!
Only he can change something.

By the way: there was a update to 1.2 today (30.10.2019)
Four days after steam isn't such a tragedy, is it?
AfaIc it's not worth to even think about it. But I accept, that people with much more time for playing might have a diiferent angle to see that.
Post edited October 30, 2019 by OldEbi
personthingy: This kind of garbage behaviour IS the developer's fault. GOG does have the backend that allows for timely updates (there are many other games here that have same-day patches with Steam). The only thing GOG lags behind with is the offline backup installers, which take time because they are packaged and tested by hand by GOG staff.
If you had actually read my post, than you might have read how I mentioned who is responsible but that GOG needs to change something on THEIR side also, it's their marketplace and they have to impose rules or their customerbase will leave them. Why should I buy inferior release over inferior release on GOG just because "it's not their fault"? It IS the fault of GOG if they don't establish rules like "if you update your game on one digital distribution plattform, then you have to upload it also here in a timely manner" or "you have to check the community forums every two days and provide at least minimal support".
BUT THEY DON'T! So, why should I buy here if all the music is happening on Steam?
Yeah, exactly!
Post edited October 31, 2019 by wintermute.
With all the blame on GOG .... hmmm ...

I hated the Crossroad Inn too, but don't shit of someone's hand that just pass you the game. A shitty product is a shitty product, it got nothing to do with GOG. GOG is not a walmart or supermarket, they do not have quality control over the game, especially on new release.

Appereantly the rest of the plantform is threaten by NO DRM way, so they strike deals to go against it. Does that tell you something? I see a superior plantform. Nope, I doubt you are that smart to understand. Go ahead and abandon GOG, just don't screaming and complaining shitty DRM issue.

Enjoy the game. lol

On the other hand, GOG should have learn a lesson from such coordinated tricks ... but ... new games sale ... so I guess they got to bite the stick to go through it.
yjuen: I doubt you are that smart to understand.
Maybe we should rather discuss your own intelligence here, right?

First, it is obvious that the individual title is a f-up from the developer and/or publisher.
Second, the blame on GOG is how they don't impose needed rules on their markeplace to the companies selling their goods here.

DRM free is nice and I love it this way, but we see inferior releases again and again. Games which are dumped on GOG for a cash grab but which get neglected here. This is a major issue and GOG is responsible to change this kind of thing or they do nothing about it and wonder why their platform attract less and less people besides from a idealistic core group.
Why should someone who is unbiased about DRM (and there are enough people like this) buy a game on GOG if the publisher is late to push the game updates here, don't react to the community here, doesn't provide customer support here and is even late with promotions here?

As you are so smart, tell me how this helps anyone, including yourself, right now? GOG needs to make money or they are out of bussines. To do so they need a customer base. To get this they need to provide a stable platform which cares about their customers, this includes the support of the products. To get this they HAVE to change the contracts they strike with publishers. In the end this would be better for everyone. Besides someone like you, which isn't smart enough to get what the complaints are about in the end.
wintermute.: DRM free is the ONLY selling point of GOG right now...
Not so. There is also customer support here that is absent on Steam. Dunno if you've ever needed to use it here, but those guys do a great job getting you up and running (or telling you why it will never work on the rig you want to play it on) when you have a problem at your end keeping you from enjoying a game.
wintermute.: DRM free is the ONLY selling point of GOG right now...
alcaray: Not so. There is also customer support here that is absent on Steam. Dunno if you've ever needed to use it here, but those guys do a great job getting you up and running (or telling you why it will never work on the rig you want to play it on) when you have a problem at your end keeping you from enjoying a game.
The only contact I had with GOG support was about the platform itself and the support was definitely good. Not denying that. It's not my intention to bash GOG, my intention is to raise awareness about the shortcomings at the moment which will hopefulley(!) be solved. I'm quite happy to use GOG (however, they lost a lot of credit in my books when they gave up the "one world one price" philosophy. That was cheap and dodgy) and I'm absolutely hoping GOG will be there in the future (if they don't weasle out of DRM free .. as I wrote: they did so in the past on another topic), that's the reason why I wrote about my thoughts and what I think is running in the wrong direction right now (at least in my opinion). The publishers have to put the same effort and energy into a GOG release like they do on, lets say steam. Sure I talk about Steam because they have the biggest DD platform right now for PC games and publishers tend to put the effort only there but not here and that's going to be a problem. Just take a look how many new games are neglected on GOG. Like I wrote: late updates and no community interaction are quite common. I understand how they try to maximize their profit but it's in our interest to demand to be treated here like customers on Steam ... the GOG customer is not a class B customer, we paid the same money and while taking the money we where good enough being happy customers here, right?
Post edited November 05, 2019 by wintermute.