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Okay, I just bought the game and tried playing it. The enemies can't be seen until they are killed. I can beat the first level using the spray n' pray method, but not much after that. Is this a bug in the game?
joelnorman: Okay, I just bought the game and tried playing it. The enemies can't be seen until they are killed. I can beat the first level using the spray n' pray method, but not much after that. Is this a bug in the game?
I picked it up a few days ago and haven't had that problem. I even loaded up the Classic version and I couldn't see anything wrong.

Have you tried simply re-installing it?
joelnorman: Okay, I just bought the game and tried playing it. The enemies can't be seen until they are killed. I can beat the first level using the spray n' pray method, but not much after that. Is this a bug in the game?
Try updating your graphics drivers or if you are running the game on one of those Nvidias that has an Intel card built into it make sure the game uses the Nvidia card and not the Intel one :)