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After installing the demo (using the Linux .sh file from GOG) it didn't load the game when the icon was clicked.

When I looked at the system logs, this error is there.


Running Craftomation 101 Demo


./Craftomation101/Craftomation101.x86_64: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


Not sure if is supposed to come packaged with the game demo or others have downloaded it as a separate package from their repositories. Searrching the file name does show people solving other games not having it by installing it themselves but they aren't dated this year and there are different versions of the file so... not feeling too adventurous tonight.

Computer Info
(just in case but comes up with internet searches as related to sound so all this may be irrelevant to the topic)
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (OEM version from Lenovo for a ThinkStation P3 Tower)
Type: 64-bit
GNOME Version: 42.9
Windowing System: X11
CPU: 13th Gen Intel core 15-13500 x 20
Mem: 32GiB