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high rated
For any other obsessives out there, these two achievements can be difficult to obtain because they have been incorrectly specified. In order to unlock them, their criteria must be fulfilled within one game session. You do not need to stay alive the whole session (note that you must survive bureau alerts, they are failed if you die), respawning from a checkpoint after death and fast travelling will still accumulate progress. Returning to the main menu, likewise, is acceptable. The tracking variables are stored in RAM so the only things you cannot do are crash to desktop (don't try the anchor fight part way through doing these), quit the game, or force terminate the process.

To quickly farm them after completing the main game you can do the following
0) Backup your save. Control's mission select erases progress. [My Documents\My Games\Control\Saves]

Ritual Intuition:
1) Return to the main menu.
2) Select "Mission Select"
3) Select "Unknown Caller" (NOTE: this will reset your game's progress. Be sure to have backed up.)
4) You spawn at Central Executive. Turn right and follow your guide down the stairs into Cafeteria.
5) Kill two enemies up top, five more down below. Lowering the exit barrier.
6) Enter Dead Letters. Kill one shielded shotgunner (careful, you don't have your powers at this point in the game)
7) Kill three enemies on the stairs.
8) Kill three enemies at the top of the stairs.
9) Cleanse the control point. (For caution's sake I also interacted with the control point afterwards, but I do not think it is required)
10) GOTO 1.

After 10 repetitions you should unlock the achievement. I believe this methodology should also work in later Mission Selects where you have access to more powers and can reach the control point more easily, but bear in mind it has to be a control point which requires cleansning (causes a shift in the world around you) not just one that you "Claim" with the simple animation. Dead Letters was the first I remembered as being quite a short run.

Crisis Management:
I have not personally tested this method, but it has been referenced enough to give me confidence.

1) Return to the main menu.
2) Select "Mission Select"
3) Select "Old Boys Club" (NOTE: this will reset your game's progress. Be sure to have backed up.)
4) Upon spawn, the game should (within a few minutes) create a Bureau Alert for you to deal with.
5) Attend to the Alert. Fast travelling is acceptable. Complete it succesfully.
6) Interact with a Control Point to ensure your progress is saved.
7) GOTO 1.

After 5 repetitions you should unlock the achievement.

I hope this helps spare someone else the disappointment of unlocking "Cleanse 25 Control Points" but not having unlocked "Cleanse 10 Control Points" :D
Post edited August 17, 2021 by Phoechan
Thank you for this guide! I took the liberty of linking this post in my thread about broken achievements, so maybe more people can check it out.
Thanks a bunch for the guide, it was extremely helpful!

The only thing I would suggest doing to make this even faster is download this trainer and turn on infinite health + one hit kill while following the guide.

Let's face it, these are bugged achievements which you should be getting while regularly playing the game if they were working correctly. So, saving all the time you can while doing what needs to be done to get them (especially if you have done everything else in the game at that point, like I have) is advised.
Yes, achievements bugged. Nice guide!
Just wanted to say thanks for this and bump it up, cause super helpful!

How such a bug could be in a rereleased full game version is baffling. Otoh it's published by 505, who just don't care.
Phoechan: For any other obsessives out there, these two achievements can be difficult to obtain because they have been incorrectly specified. In order to unlock them, their criteria must be fulfilled within one game session. You do not need to stay alive the whole session (note that you must survive bureau alerts, they are failed if you die), respawning from a checkpoint after death and fast travelling will still accumulate progress. Returning to the main menu, likewise, is acceptable. The tracking variables are stored in RAM so the only things you cannot do are crash to desktop (don't try the anchor fight part way through doing these), quit the game, or force terminate the process.

To quickly farm them after completing the main game you can do the following
0) Backup your save. Control's mission select erases progress. [My Documents\My Games\Control\Saves]

Ritual Intuition:
1) Return to the main menu.
2) Select "Mission Select"
3) Select "Unknown Caller" (NOTE: this will reset your game's progress. Be sure to have backed up.)
4) You spawn at Central Executive. Turn right and follow your guide down the stairs into Cafeteria.
5) Kill two enemies up top, five more down below. Lowering the exit barrier.
6) Enter Dead Letters. Kill one shielded shotgunner (careful, you don't have your powers at this point in the game)
7) Kill three enemies on the stairs.
8) Kill three enemies at the top of the stairs.
9) Cleanse the control point. (For caution's sake I also interacted with the control point afterwards, but I do not think it is required)
10) GOTO 1.

After 10 repetitions you should unlock the achievement. I believe this methodology should also work in later Mission Selects where you have access to more powers and can reach the control point more easily, but bear in mind it has to be a control point which requires cleansning (causes a shift in the world around you) not just one that you "Claim" with the simple animation. Dead Letters was the first I remembered as being quite a short run.

Crisis Management:
I have not personally tested this method, but it has been referenced enough to give me confidence.

1) Return to the main menu.
2) Select "Mission Select"
3) Select "Old Boys Club" (NOTE: this will reset your game's progress. Be sure to have backed up.)
4) Upon spawn, the game should (within a few minutes) create a Bureau Alert for you to deal with.
5) Attend to the Alert. Fast travelling is acceptable. Complete it succesfully.
6) Interact with a Control Point to ensure your progress is saved.
7) GOTO 1.

After 5 repetitions you should unlock the achievement.

I hope this helps spare someone else the disappointment of unlocking "Cleanse 25 Control Points" but not having unlocked "Cleanse 10 Control Points" :D
Thank you so much!