Lollauser: I think i tried everything found in this thread, but still the game freezes and then close the same moment the boss open its "mouth" and spew out.
My only choice left is just to move away from that room and forget about this Anchor...
Reference this post
vacheugogo: The only thing that works is to not let the boss strike an enemy with its clock attack. Kill them first.
Everybody else in this thread is just posting the last thing they tried before finally achieving that.
This worked for me. So I had an unusual tshoot process, as I attempted this procedure first, but with no success:
InfiniteClouds: Fix courtesy of Obeliskoid:
There are two .dll files in the game directory.
platform_rdwin10_f.dll. (a bad opcode here is causing the crash)
Back-up your rdwin10 file.
Rename platform_rdwin7_f.dll to platform_rdwin10_f.dll to overwrite the windows 10 file. This fixed the crash for me. Not sure if it breaks anything else but you could always put the original rdwin10 file back after the boss fight.
I reverted back to the original 10_f.dll file. Then, by using the charge weapon(The Rocket launcher), Speed velocity upgrade, a Blast radius upgrade and a damage booster, I was able to take out the hiss very quickly. They start to float after the initial spawns, but if you shoot in the direction as soon as they are spawning you'll land hits, and it pretty much kills them instantly. I think after like the first 2 to 3 take outs of the hiss, the bug clears itself. As I would miss some shots and they would be right in the path of the AI. Not sure if reverting back to the original dll file made it work or not. Keeping the hiss away for about 1 minute might do the trick.
In my case, after taking out the first wave of hiss the AI is supposed to kill, -- dying or crashing afterward -- those hiss never spawned back into that location. So you get some breathing room attempting to fight the AI if you have to do it over again.
AMD 5950X
Nvidia 3080 Ti
2x 2GB NVMe in RAID0
Windows 10 Pro (21H2)
Game Installation Type: Offline / Not using GOG Galaxy or cloud services
Game Settings: DX12 switch with everything maxed out/including RT @ 2560x1440 / 27" 165Hz Monitor