Posted July 21, 2021
I'm all for some exploration, mystery and detective work, but Control is infuriating. I'm about 7 hours in and mostly what I've been doing is reading an endless stream of documents and wandering around trying to figure out where to go, using a pretty lame map overlay. The skills and buffs and weapon upgrades are vaguely intuitive, but only vaguely. The gameplay is decent, but so far nothing special (hopefully something awesome opens later). Despite the quest for answers the game tasks you with, it's just not interesting. If there were something about it that grabbed me, maybe I'd feel more motivated, but the game mostly feels like work. I wish Sam Lake would tone down the obtuse story telling just a bit and maybe get back to Remedy's roots a bit more because Alan Wake was boring and Quantum Break's interminable cut scenes were a huge turn off. I'm sure I'll get flamed for this, but whatever. Please tell me this game starts becoming more intuitive and interesting. I'm on the Maintenance Area floor trying to bypass the lock down.