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Hello there guys! :3
Thanks to GoG i finaly play this game again ( Even Mob Rule )
BUT i got a problem i can't find the soluction.
My HIppies ( Or student the Level 2 tenents ) are complaing about removing a "Copper"
I tried to do everything, to destroy everything they have but they always complain about it, they say like:

"Ehy man i don't like this copper is kinda old blablablabla" they are 2 of them in the same estate, they live nearby 2 punks and they have been always fine, but i don't think they are the punk and they don't have anything naerby ( They just have on other estates 1 cement factory and the Mafia HQ but what i should do? They have in the corner a Subway maded by the Municipial IA.

Any suggestions please? Thanks and sorry for my bad english but is not my main language

Ps: lf needed i can make a picture
The hippies don't like policemen on the block they are on. If you have a policeman patrolling on that block, you will have to remove him. If you don't have a policeman patrolling, maybe the enemy does. If so, the only way to get rid of him is either blow up the enemy police station, or wait and hope the enemy cancels the police patrol.

You also said you have hippies and punks on the same estate? I don't recommend that as the punks complain about the hippies (only if they are paying rent). But your punks arent producing police cadets by any chance are they? I'm pretty sure that isn't the problem though but just asking in case.