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you must be kidding, no seriuosly guys, how do i expand my buildings, what shall i do, if i have only 20 repairmans, the only solution is to repair newly builded houses by myself, or as one of community members mentioned here, buy a repair tool kit for every new, tenant on estate? is that right? help me guys
Well, on 3 of the 5 maps, the 20 repairman limit isn't a problem as there aren't even 20 estates on them

On the other two scenarios, all you can do is squeeze more life out of the toolboxes by upgrading bathrooms. However, depending on the scenario, when you're able to build higher level houses, you should be finishing the game not long afterwards. My oldest professors in a scottish lodge with bathrooms upgraded to level 2 only went through 3 repair kits

EDIT: Also, bigger gardens = happier tenants which in turn = less damage. My level 4 and 5 houses usually have big gardens to make the tenants happy as well as giving the enemy less territory to build on.

Unless there are cheats or mods available I'm not aware of........................
Post edited September 18, 2015 by IwubCheeze
thanks man i am playing game without any enemies, and also i am in free mode which says build, build, build for the next 1000 years, so i understood, that i cannot buy home repair tool kit, unless i will upgrade the bathrooms of the houses?

no man i have tried, to upgrade all rooms (kitchen, bathroom, lounge etc.) to the luxury, but i still cant buy that house a repair kit i have bought everything else (scope out this image)

i think the dark are (which i marked red) is the home repair tool kit, but why is it black?
Post edited September 18, 2015 by LInas1985
LInas1985: thanks man i am playing game without any enemies, and also i am in free mode which says build, build, build for the next 1000 years, so i understood, that i cannot buy home repair tool kit, unless i will upgrade the bathrooms of the houses?

no man i have tried, to upgrade all rooms (kitchen, bathroom, lounge etc.) to the luxury, but i still cant buy that house a repair kit i have bought everything else (scope out this image)

i think the dark are (which i marked red) is the home repair tool kit, but why is it black?
The option is blacked out because repair kits are only available for level 4 and 5 houses. What I usually do is have all my level 1 - 3 houses, factories and utilities on 20 estates and have them covered by repairmen. When that''s done, I focus on the high level houses with upgraded rooms and repair kits. :)
well IwubCheeze if i would knew this before this game ( i mean building lower level houses on the same estate, and add to them repairman) now i will keep that in mind, when i will build, next game. but as i mentioned i chose to build in frree mode, and i was trying to build every single house, from level 1 to level 5. to uncover that one secret building, which is in questionmarks ??? coudl you tell me the purpose of that secret building, what it is?
LInas1985: well IwubCheeze if i would knew this before this game ( i mean building lower level houses on the same estate, and add to them repairman) now i will keep that in mind, when i will build, next game. but as i mentioned i chose to build in frree mode, and i was trying to build every single house, from level 1 to level 5. to uncover that one secret building, which is in questionmarks ??? coudl you tell me the purpose of that secret building, what it is?
It's possible the secret building you're referring to is the prison and that only gets unlocked after you've trained a certain number of police. I think you had to have 500 but don't quote me on that. (EDIT: Coming to think of it, it might be 200). Because you aren't playing with any AI opponents, you don't need police so that's probably why you're missing it.

If that's not it, then I can only think of it being your "super houses". Level 5 tenants can make plans for these buildings (a fifth building icon will appear). However, when a building can be made, it must be built before the tenant making the plans will unlock the next building. If not, the effort was wasted and he'll just start over again.

If neither of these sounds correct, could you post a screenie and I'll be able to give you a better answer :) Everything else is unlocked by building one of each house and each level and building factories.
Post edited September 18, 2015 by IwubCheeze
well ok i will post a screenshot it can be a prison, cuz i have all level 5 tenant invented houses allready build

yes its definetely a prison
LInas1985: well ok i will post a screenshot it can be a prison, cuz i have all level 5 tenant invented houses allready build

yes its definetely a prison
Yup, that's the prison. Train some police and you'll get it :)
and heres a proof that i have all level š invented tenant houses
LInas1985: and heres a proof that i have all level š invented tenant houses

Now do it with the 40 year time limit with 3 opponents ;)
Are you insane? :)))))
LInas1985: Are you insane? :)))))
I've actually done it on the Riverside map on normal difficulty. However, I did this by cheesing the AI blue player in the beginning by buying that huge plot of land in front of his home base, built 3 pawn shops and a crappy wodden shack on it and used thieves to pillage his cash reserves until the pawn shops blew up causing a chain reaction of explosions across his empire.................. >:)