Are you having this problem will all your kennels or just one?
The only time I ever encountered this bug was when an undesirable came onto the propery, the dog gave chase but a nearby police officer gave chase as well. What happened was after the policeman arrested the undesirable, the dog would just stand there even after the helicopter whisked the undesirable to the prison. When a foreman attacked that property, the dog just ignored him. I got around this by killing the dog and wating for the kennel to spawn a new dog. However, this bug was rare and I found it very hard to duplicate and it was the only time I've ever had where dogs ignore foremen.
If you are having trouble will all your kennels then I'm not sure what the problem is. I never had that problem with my CD version, GoG version or previously downloaded version from HOTU at all.
Dumb question here. You didn't place the kennel on the building site while the foreman was taking it over by any chance did you? The dog will only come out of the kennel after an undesirable or foreman enters the garden.