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I'm running into an issue that I just can't get to the bottom of. My colony will not produce goods once I get to a certain stage in the game. Here's the situation:
I have plenty of commerce buildings.
I don't have a shortage of supplies (producing +90 wood and +50 metals per turn)
I don't have a shortage of labor (all other production buildings are funning at full capacity)
Does anyone know what I can do to kick my commerce buildings into gear?!
thanks in advance
This question / problem has been solved by MIlesyimage
Goods are produced with wood, metal and food. Have you got enough food spare at the end of the turn to build the goods?
Even with a huge amount of spare wood and metal the city may not produce any goods. This seems to happen most often in the first city built. The city may build goods for several turns then stop producing for no reason even if you have plenty of wood and metal.

Most of the time I avoid building commerce in my capital city because this is where the problem usually occurs. It can occur even if you have hundreds of extra wood and metal.
Post edited May 20, 2011 by jurijchrul
I noticed that a colony doesn't produce Goods when you are running out of unemployed villagers. Just be sure that the balance is positive when cllcking on houses. Goos require lot of workforces!
Post edited May 20, 2011 by jurijchrul
Possible reasons:
You are not leaving enough resources at the end of each turn. Commerce's consume raw materials (1 wood and 1 metal) to produce goods. They need to be in your supplies at the end of the turn. Not incoming next turn.

You do not have a high enough population to workforce ratio. Try building ore houses. Look in the population tab of your city to what your free labor is. Make sure it is a positive number.

Your colony is starving. Build more farms or trade / buy crops. Hungry workers wont work.

Unfortunately Commerce's are the first building to suffer from any of these problems.
Post edited May 20, 2011 by jurijchrul

Just cant find the solution on the entire google internet. I got this exact same problem and I got more than enough wood, metal, crop and labor.

I realise that if its a bug we cant fix it, just curious if Johnb100000's solution works (dont use colony capital for goods production).
Im in the middle of playing a game at the moment. Love this game, been playing it since it first came on the market back in 1995 (no not continuously lol).

Anyway Goods are always an issue at the very beginning, just like most resources but they accumulate over over time as the game progresses.

Key to high Good turnover is to:

1. Have at least 6 or 7 Commerces in the first colony and at least 5 in subsequent ones thus assuring self sufficiency.

2. Have a reasonable surplus of the other resources stockpiled at end of each turn to allow automatic manufacture of Goods.

3. If you are trading with Europe/ Mother Country be sure not to trade too much in each turn, as often i find that if I, for example, sell alot of Metals, Crops or Wood then my production of said resources may reach critical point causing the Goods production to be low. (Basically point 2 except this is the production, not the stockpiles of each resource. ie. Production of these other resources should not be low either)

4. Although not condusive to Good production in my experience, the population and lack of housing, if any, may cause lower production, therefore be sure to have sufficient housing capacity.

Its a matter of trial and error to get the balance just right.

Hope this helps and gives some clarity to the problem!
Play this game a several hours every year - *NOT* solved. Several games that goods issue occurred not just in capital. Really saps the wish to play this more...I assume is a memory issue (in DOSBox or possibly game code, but I am not an expert.) Situation is a shame.
Draper0307: Play this game a several hours every year - *NOT* solved. Several games that goods issue occurred not just in capital. Really saps the wish to play this more...I assume is a memory issue (in DOSBox or possibly game code, but I am not an expert.) Situation is a shame.
Have you tried using the produc cheat to see if that allows goods to be produced?
then maybe you can backtrack what the issue is from what the increased production value
is, as everything gets double.

Contrary to what has been posted you need a surplus of crops and metal and wood. If you sell all your crops down to a small number(10's) or in total(zero) it will prevent you from producing goods and also diminish intake of other resources.

So if you only sell your crops in hopes that a metal and wood surplus will allow for the goods you will have none next turn.
EmperorHarry1: 2. Have a reasonable surplus of the other resources stockpiled at end of each turn to allow automatic manufacture of Goods.
reasonable means the amount > mentioned as consumed in your commodities stats for each of your colonies
and that is for wood, metals and crops :)
this game does have some bugs, but I believe i have never encountered any unexplained issues with goods
just watch your population details and commodities details and you will be good :)
Good luck!

PS. Just for the super clarity :)
Post edited January 22, 2024 by angeli
Hi guys. Just installed Conquest and immediately faced the same problem with goods. I already thought it was an unsolvable bug, but finally found the logic that worked for me. The thing is that the commerces use wood and metal from your stockpile but they also use crops that are being produced THIS turn. So when the production of your farms exceeds the population's demands you may see than your stockpile is growing and you may think that you have enough crops for everything, but in reality you don't. I didn't count the exact numbers, but I just upgraded all the farms, stopped the population growth so that I produce way more than they eat and it worked! It was not that obvious and the numbers you see in the tables sometimes are confusing, so it's hard to see the logic behind them. Now it looks like I'll play the game a little bit more. Hope it works for you too. Regards.