The Best Version is DOS, on my 42" HDTV it Looks drained out, but there is a way to UP the colors and aspect w/o messing w/ the look too much. This game was made for a 386Mhz CPU.. my watch has more processing power than those old pc's.. How We ever got along w/ the 286-486 is beyond me, I still have my Very first PC, no longer funtioning, all new Power supplies don't work with old wiring or the wires are just shot after countless hours of use. My first computer had those ribbon connections. IDE is the name of them, I think.. My computer had 16 MB's of RAM... again, that was expensive shit back then. seriously... My computer backthen ran up to $1,000 maybe more, I was just 9 when I got a 286mhz computer, windows 3.1 took 10 minutes to boot up. windows 95 was really no better. anyways, back to the game..
I just spent a good solid 20 hours trying to win my independence from England. WITHOUT CHEATS.. BTW, ALT+WIN is the doscheat command, type in the world screen, Shift 1 builds ALL colony building (must be done to each colony individually, Shift 5 gives you 100 of an item every second. there is more, just google it.