I believe that starving the colony will work only if the centre tile produces less than 2 food (not possible at all in the easiest difficulty); because otherwise the last colonist would never die of starvation.
My solution:
If you are willing to go all the way to hex-editing then I assume using the cheat mode is all right too.
With cheats enabled do one of the following two:
- Go into viewing (press V, or right click on a map tile while on the main map), go with the cursor to the colony you want gone (using arrows, numpad, or right click directly on the colony tile)
- Go to the menu View / Find Colony, write the name of the colony you want gone and press enter. Same result as the option above.
Then, press SHIFT+D (the regular disband command hotkeys): you will be asked "Really disband [colony name]?", say yes and it'll be gone.
If there are any units outside the colony in the same tile you will be asked first to disband those units one at a time.
Be careful if using this without a previous savegame: when using "cheat-disband" indian villages get deleted immediately (no question) and all the units associated with that village will be gone too.