JJLKalkaska: Undying was running fine until I was messing around with the setting. I changed the render to Glide and the game looked like garbage. Now every time I try to change back to DirectX the game crashes with an error that 3d hardware initialization failed. I even uninstalled the game and reinstalled and I still get the error. Any ideas?
Hi there, I've been getting that error when I try and set the FullscreenViewport in System.ini to anything higher than 1920x1080. Instead I set it to 1920x1080 and then use the console command
setres 2560x1440 in game to set it to my native resolution.
(EDIT: I've now realised that playing in widescreen cuts off some of the weapon. As I'm not a fan of that I'm running at 1920x1440, which isn't a problem when set in System.ini.)
Not sure if that's the issue you're having, but just in case someone stumbles upon this thread like I did.