kenny4816: I want to avoid any hints or spoilers so I won't watch a play through, please answer as precisely as possible.
1. Is this game a third person or first person beat em up?
2. does this game work well on windows 10?
3. open world or linear level progression?
4. is this game mostly exploration and talking like yakuza?
5. when hit point reach 0 does the game reload last save or respawns the player without resetting the enemies like torchlight 2 and bioshock
1. In general - third person. First person is just for the "special move", when you fill the gauge and attack with it an enemy, but it's rather a visual gimmick.
2.Yes, I'm playing it on Windows 10 and had no problems so far (and I went quite far in the game)
3.Sometimes there are open paths to two different areas, and you can go to them in any order you wish. There is some extra exploration for each area, which gives you more fights, more stuff to collect etc. But other than that, game is linear. That being said, you can return later to areas you've already been, I didn't met so far situation, that I couldn't return to area where I was previously, and I tthink I've met locations from the entire map)
4.There is some exploration for sure, but talking/interaction is just limited to listen to cutscenes/dialogues. You don't have influence on the dialogues.
5.This part is a bit unusual and I need to refer here to day/night system.
Normally during the day, you're playing as main character, fighting etc. If you lost all health, you're automatically "transferred" to night, where you're controlling, well, "alter-ego". You can return to the place, where main character lost health and you have one more chance to complete the fight (important - the "alter ego" has separate set of equipment than "normal" hero). If you do it and "wake up" our hero, you're back at day and you've passed the fight. But if you lose there, it's game over and you have to return to last savepoint (it's happening automatically whenever you're near tent/resting place).
It's a different situation if you're currently playing as "alter-ego" in night - if you die here, you don't have second chance and you need to return to the last savepoint. And you can at any camp go to sleep and enter the "night mode" (or wake up and go to the day mode), because in night you're able to pass through some places (passable wall of thorns), that are not reachable by "normal" hero during the day.