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I apologize for the necro, but I am looking for something specific and was hoping y'all here could help.

I'm currently using the vehicle time fix and that made me interested in doing some tweaking of my own. My goal: have the hot air balloon usable right from the start in 1920 (as the tech was there if not the inclination). Now, the balloon itself is easy enough to accomplish by editing the mod file and adjusting the date.

But that doesn't give me the heliport it needs for a line.

I've searched through the .js files but I can't for the life of me find the date for that building. Am I overlooking something?
For what its worth, I was able to download the op zip file even though it was posted in 2016. As far as I know, this remains the only standing mod pack for this game. ALL other sites related to it appear to be gone.