I hadn't heard of this and only by complete coincidence noticed in my library that something had changed about Chuchel... And I immediately knew what was up, they gave Chuchel the Jynx treatment. And I'm laughing my ass off over this entire charade. This has got to be the most ridiculous news of the 2010s, even outdoing Jontron's voice being removed from Yooka Laylee and James Gunn being fired for 10 year old joke tweets.
Frankly I'm astounded that Amanita got away with Chuchel's original design to begin with, I just figured they are too small a studio to be sniffed out by the PC police. Oh how wrong I was. No matter how tiny and European you are, twitter will send its bloodhunds after you and shame you into cracking to their paranoid demands.
This is one of those situatons where I can't even decide who I disagree with the most. The hyper-sensitive idiots shouting racism, the actually racist brats disguising their impotent rage as cries for "artistic integrity" or the poor sods at Amanita caving to peer pressure and just wanting to sell their damn product... Definitely most of all I hate every single one of you jackasses review bombing the goddamn game over nothing.
Fuck this decade, I can't wait for 2020 to roll around. Maybe we can start some proper wars over ressources and land or some other tangible thing again, if only to get us to stop arguing over vapid ideologies in entertainment products like petulant toddlers.
...And for what it's worth, I'm starting to come around Chuchel's new orange look. I dare say it looks better than the old design.
Post edited January 07, 2019 by LittleCritter