Posted July 05, 2020
How does the saves actually work?
Yesterday I started the game for the first time, played ~3h then closed the game after saving at a statue, some time after I restart the game and nothing was available to load.
I restart the game again with a new game, go up to the first statue, save then quit. And here it's available to reload. Then this morning while wanting to go back to were I was, nothing available to load again... I don't understand :/
I am on Windows 10
My games are installed in C:\Games\
the saves are stored at %USERPROFILEù\Documents\Chasm
For what I saw it create a directory "191104384486978675" inside and make a slot0.sav file that contain the save I guess, the backups dir have a 191104384486978675_slot0.sav this is the previous one I guess, and the Saves directory is just empty.
Did I miss something? It do not seem to be a bug since I found nothing about saves issues while searching, I admit I am a little lost for now
Yesterday I started the game for the first time, played ~3h then closed the game after saving at a statue, some time after I restart the game and nothing was available to load.
I restart the game again with a new game, go up to the first statue, save then quit. And here it's available to reload. Then this morning while wanting to go back to were I was, nothing available to load again... I don't understand :/
I am on Windows 10
My games are installed in C:\Games\
the saves are stored at %USERPROFILEù\Documents\Chasm
For what I saw it create a directory "191104384486978675" inside and make a slot0.sav file that contain the save I guess, the backups dir have a 191104384486978675_slot0.sav this is the previous one I guess, and the Saves directory is just empty.
Did I miss something? It do not seem to be a bug since I found nothing about saves issues while searching, I admit I am a little lost for now
This question / problem has been solved by bitkidinc