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- [Fix] Fixed some rare instances when AI looped its behaviors.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where a Minion sold with a Quota action incorrectly reverted it's view state.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where a tooltip of a last viewed building would appear above empty Sky Islands
- [Fix] Minor fixes to Perils display (on the board).
- [Fix] Fixed a bug where sometimes players were unable to increase their Reputation
- [Added] Tooltips for Peril tokens on the map.
- [Fix] Fixed the end game Personas scoring.
- [Fix] Fixes to the end-game scoring display.
- [Fix] Fix to automatically using a Treasure when we can't afford an action otherwise.
- [Fix] Fix to a minor bug with Reputation gain.
- [Fix] Rulebook adjustments - more detailed Perils information.
- [Fix] We can no longer play cards when we need to return cards to the deck (via the Futurist Persona, for example).
- [Fix] Small fixes to constructing buildings with buildings other than Zeppelin.
- [Fix] We can now skip the monetary Benefit if you have the Seer Persona.
- [Fix] Fixes to scrolling through the Players Panel.
- [Fix] Fixed the window title of the window where we pick resources to gain.
UPDATE v1.2.4

- [Fix] Fixed the issue with Robot-treasure interaction (where the "play treasure" button wouldn't apprear).
- [Fix] Minor fixes in the Resolution screen in options Menu.