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Howto run it.

Debian 10 easy way :

#apt install xserver-xephyr wine32 playonlinux

#cat /etc/profile.d/
export WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine wine wineboot

Download gog version, install i under user with playonlinux (aka run playonlinux and install Chaos Overlords with default profile)

#cat /usr/local/bin/

cd ~
Xephyr :1 -ac -screen 640x480x16 &
DISPLAY=:1 /usr/share/playonlinux/playonlinux -run \"Chaos Overlords\" %F"'

#cat ~/.local/share/applications/Chaos_Overlords.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Chaos Overlords
GenericName=Chaos Overlords
Icon ~/.PlayOnLinux/icones/32/Chaos Overlords

For Fedora 28 I updated : -> URL

Notes :
1/ wine32 is better supported by games
2/ playonlinux is not necessary, but it keeps my games in separated environment
3/ xephyr is just another X server support 16bit colors (Hi colors), format is resolutionXcolordepth
if you meet problem, try another resolution and/or colordepht .. like 8bit (256 colors)
4/ maybe you want to change registry for Chaos Overlords to fullscreen and colordepth
Post edited December 18, 2019 by hlemejzd