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This is the CD-Rom version, not the original floppy disk version, and it has a lot of improvements such as higher resolution videos and speech - but are some of the plots from the original version removed? I've played through the gog version a few times now and the only major plots I ever get are seeking Prester John, Ancient Oriental Order of Light and courting Aerinsault.
Not once have I seen aiding the Empire in the war against the Saracens, fighting the Danes for control of the channel, the Brotherhood of Vulcan, throwing festivals/tournaments/fairs, and a few others I remember. I've also never had any of the marriage plots.
nemt: This is the CD-Rom version, not the original floppy disk version, and it has a lot of improvements such as higher resolution videos and speech - but are some of the plots from the original version removed? I've played through the gog version a few times now and the only major plots I ever get are seeking Prester John, Ancient Oriental Order of Light and courting Aerinsault.
Not once have I seen aiding the Empire in the war against the Saracens, fighting the Danes for control of the channel, the Brotherhood of Vulcan, throwing festivals/tournaments/fairs, and a few others I remember. I've also never had any of the marriage plots.

I dont think they have been removed but...there is something odd in the first one.
Some of the messangers are coming again and again and again.
For example the battle in france, you should only have to give L1000 about 5 times...yet in the game I am playing just now he has came and asked for L1000 about 12 times...which is clearly wrong
nemt: This is the CD-Rom version, not the original floppy disk version,
I dont think they have been removed but...there is something odd in the first one.

I used to have the CD version way back when and played it alot, but I don't ever remember the Danes or Marriage plots, so it may be a difference between the two versions. Perhaps back then Interplay could only get Video/Audio for so many things on the disc?
I dunno, but I would like to see new plots, you can only stand the Dowsing Rod plot so many times.......
Post edited October 31, 2008 by WickstarRunner
That's a real shame, the original version (which runs fine, but without sound, in Windows XP and is freeware) has about 3x as many plots.
Post edited November 09, 2008 by nemt