rejzor: Nonsense. I've played the game on and on with D3D across several OS-es and it worked far better than this forced Glide nonsese which is slow and looks just as bad. Before i could force 24x FSAA and 16x AF and the game looked perfectly fine, yet it was still running with like 500 fps. Now it's just slow even without any FSAA...
nGlide 1.02, using native resolution of 1680x1050 to fill the screen (that's my personal preference for this game instead of forcing a 4:3 aspect ratio). Sure, there is no AA and AF here, but that can always be forced via graphics driver, though I don't feel it necessary myself. The screens look fine to me and the game plays at full speed. Only tweak I made was to increase the draw distance via the OPTIONS.TXT file.