I tried using “IWANTTOFIDDLE” and it sounds as though it’s worked, though remains encrypted. Any ideas?
“IBETYOUCANTPRINTCUNT” works, though the settings didn’t seem to save after restarting Carmageddon—is this normal?
I had your same problem, txt file were encrypted... but here the solution: basically you just have to re-write "IWANTTOFIDDLE"
go to the race selection screen and move the cursor on the "select race" button, but don't click on it. Write again "IWANTTOFIDDLE", wait for the spinning wheel sound.
you are done :)
quote from Carmageddon Wikia:
Type IWANTTOFIDDLE (I WANT TO FIDDLE) to decrypt all of the game's .TXT files, letting you open and edit them using a standard text editor. Typing it again re-encrypts them. The 'skidding' sound should play if entered correctly.
I thought they were encrypted because of GOG, but it was just because typing more times that code re-encrypt o decrypt those txt files...