QTZ: The solution above is only required for play in real DOS, so in most cases you don't need a Gameport sticks.
DOS version recognize 2 analogs and first 4 buttons [for each stick?], when Win95 version (AFAIK) recognize only first stick.
- first you need to install and calibrate your joysticks in Windows (done)
- for DOS version - start Carmageddon with DOSBox and in configuration press JOYSTICK to calibrate (not done)
when you move joystick, you should notice that values are changed, then press ANY KEY on keyboard, NOT button!
follow the instruction (also for second stick if present)
- for Win95 version - just skip step above (it working as Dragoon001 say)
- bind joy1 and/or joy2 (AFAIK joy2 only working in DOS mode) to up, down, left, right for car movement
(I cannot agree with StarEye - analog definitely expand game play experience, especially for this game)
- if four button is enough (or you don't have more) - bind them directly in game
if not - do not bind buttons in game, just use external software like Xpadder (as HampsterStyle say - there is free version) or Joy to Key or if you have installation CD look for similar software included with your pad
(such configuration also allow to use keys and buttons at same time, except for steering)
There is no need to edit DOSBox configs, unless you want to change default settings
(there is no joystick section, but it's not required).
If you still don't have Win95 version (or have the GOG version) installed please use 95RPP which will restore and fix Win95 version, also it using only one, expanded dosboxCARMA_all.conf for DOSBox play.
You should read the previous posts above, we've already tried that.