DukeLeto7: I am having
EXTREME difficulty using carriers and transport ships in fleets (grouped units). Basically they don't want to unload. EVER. I managed to get some bombers off of one carrier, somehow... but the controls are not at all intuitive.
Can anyone explain the procedure for doing this?
How to say, it is easy, BUT ;)
Don't forget unlike CIV CTPs does offer armies and not only single units combat.
Hence to unload, you create an army (even if it just contains one unit, like spyplane or similar),
Like in the picture Army#6, afterwards this newly created army is default wise selected and you can just send them wherever. (To add multiple units at once, just select in the right side all the units and click add)
Another way for single unit access, just click the right arrow in the bottom right next to unit tab. there you can just select any single unit (or army(*) ) and then use the move command. Most of the time you will have to use the (m)ove command anyway to 'unload' them.
I hope it helped and cleared it up, if not I could give some more screenies.....
Be warned single army units will loose their army status once landed. So easiest way is method number two ...But not really so good for fighter or similar, better in a group (including like bombers)