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Some spoiler-free issues in Calico (release version 1.0.5 (45142)) with solutions. Hopefully some of these will be corrected in later vesions, but the game is playable at release. If you add more, please keep this thread spoiler-free.

Non-spoiler tips/info:

There doesn't seem to be a way to cancel from within the game if you accidently click new game but you can close the game from the operating system (e.g. windows key, right click on the icon in the task bar, and select close program). There are four saves possible per operating system account, located in AppData\LocalLow\Peachy Keen Games\Calico on windows along with game and analytics logs. Configuration is stored in the registry under Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Peachy Keen Games\Calico. There is also a boot.config with a few settings under Calico_Data in the game's install directory. Unfortunately, I don't see a way to disable Unity analytics.

After the first few quests with the mayor people will assume that you don't ask them about a new quest right after completing one, but usually they will give you one right away if you ask that often mentions being in the cafe since you last talked so if you want to keep the best story flow don't ask for a new quest right away (but you can if you don't want to run around as much).

The white hearts in the townsfolk tab (d-pad up then L on controller, 1 on keyboard) are the number of quests remaining with each person.

Animals will appear under the animals menu if you pet them or pick them up but not if you just walk by them, so make sure to pet all the animals you see :).

The map shows where people are on the right setting (controller a, space, or right click to change). Also, on some map settings if you are zoomed in enough you can see house names.

There are a few controls that aren't mentioned on screen:

No mouse pointer -> mouse only works to change camera or wiggle animal, use w and s or up and down plus space to select (enter works in some menus but not the character editor)

If your d-pad goes diagonal easily you can use L from the townsfolk tab or R from the quests tab to get to the map (you might want to remap the d-pad buttons to only use two directions).

Run right away -> right stick button, no key set by default (must be used every time, no auto instant run option)

Flip animal direction when holding -> left stick button or q

Unstore animal -> same as store, controller b or right click

Change color in character editor -> controller x or right click with item selection open (mentioned in context but easy to miss)

Faster scroll on remap page -> move focus right to scrollbar

Faster scroll on animals page -> LT/RT or scroll wheel (mentioned but easy to miss)


Can't complete find cat quest -> hold cat and talk

Already have a quest furniture item in the cafe -> talk again to complete quest

Already have a quest animal in the cafe -> pick up and put down the animal

An animal is stuck in your cafe -> pick them up and put them down. They should eventually get unstuck on their own but it might take a few days

A person is stuck in your cafe -> you might have furniture a bit too close together? If you talk with someone walking in the cafe they can get stuck in the floor but will leave at the right time. If you or possibly an animal are in the way of the door, they can also get stuck in the stairs and will again leave at the right time. I don't know a way to get them unstuck before it is time to leave.

Furniture hard to move just right with controller -> try wasd or arrow keys on keyboard

Can't select desired furniture item to move -> might need to move something else first, try moving the square so that only some part of the item you want to select (not any other item) is under the square

Animal lays down on your ingedients during cooking mini-game -> you should be able to walk through them if you don't want to exit and move them

Counter looks messy after cooking -> save and "quit" to the main menu then continue

Can't pick up item you are near in the cooking mini-game -> save and "quit" to the main menu then continue

Quest animals not at cafe (such as after find cat quest completed) return to starting location after save/quit -> doesn't seem to be a way to fix

Later in the game:

It looks odd that people are standing in one place for days after one quest -> save and "quit" to the main menu then continue

Undoing hair potion leaves your hair white -> unselect and reselect your hair in the character editor (no need to change color)

Bird won't fly/won't land -> controller R or shift, sometimes you need to move a bit after pushing the button before landing if you are close to the ground, so fly a bit higher or push the button a bit early if you want to land in a particular spot

How to interact with the one extra large animal -> you can only mount and only from a few specific places, move around until you see the mount option appear

Your eyes are a funny color -> can happen if you combine the two hair potions without undoing one first, use the one that changes your eyes so that your eyes are normal then use the other one twice and fix your hair as above
Post edited March 22, 2021 by joveian
joveian: the game is playable at release
Nope, it still beta, this game should not be released as is.
I tried the update, version 1.0.12 (48136), and most of the above issues are still present (I didn't recheck everything). A few things are improved but overall it seems a bit more buggy to me. Hopefully we will get future updates as they are released (there were several that we didn't get before this update).

This time I used keyboard and mouse and once you get used to the mouse not appearing as a normal mouse in menus and some other oddities I think it works best with keyboard and mouse contrary to what the game claims. You can usually (but not always :/, the UI is generally a mess like that) scroll menus with the mouse.

There is no on-screen help for it but middle-click will close many (but not all) windows and is quite important. In other cases (such as key rebinding), ESC will close but middle click won't. Usually they do the same thing. In the character editor at the start of the game, ESC will close the whole thing while middle click will close the item select window (in the character editor from the game ESC also just closes the item select window, except if you accidently click twice middle click will close only the item menu but ESC will exit the character editor).

Now the run key applies per-session (until you exit the game). There still isn't a default run key for keybord for some reason, although the R key is helpfully unused.

If you rebind things, make sure there is a binding set for furniture mode since you can get into furniture mode without such a keybinding but you can't get out without closing the game from the operating system (the game autosaves now when you enter furniture mode).

The keybinding menu can occasionally stop working and in that case exit the game and restart to get it to work again.

The save preset key in the character editor is the unhelpfully named "Option 2" under UI for rebinding. I don't think it is used for anything else.

The Sundae potion now produces an outfit, however it leaves your shirt white when you remove it rather than the color you started with and any head item is removed and the color removed as well. The shirt will show the previous color at first when entering the character editor but if you exit without setting it your shirt will still be white.

People now appear in more places, usually in groups, but get stuck on each other.

There is some strange graphic issue where items on the outer walls of the cafe look fuzzy/blurry. It doesn't happen for inner walls or anywhere else that I noticed.

I happened to notice that the power use of the main game ESC menu page (the one with save and exit) seems to generate more heat on my GPU (R9 390) than anything else in the game (I guess this is due to the fun blur effect on that menu). Consider using the inventory/map/etc. menus instead when you want to pause.
Post edited July 01, 2021 by joveian
I've found no way to return clothing to its original color (like hats) so I now have a flower headband with cats on it
The game has no sense of "original color" (so it is a good idea to save key colors in presets) but you can apply presets or an abitrary color. Press the option key when selecting the item. I think I likely still have the default bindings for that, what I have is the x button on the gamepad or right mouse button (this feels a bit odd since there is no pointer visible and moving the mouse affects the preview window). I think they tell you this in the pre-game editor but not the in-game editor.

Note that there are both major and minor updates and localization for Calico that we don't have on GOG, so if you are playing it now I suggest asking the developer if they could update it here. It looks like the last update was over a year ago so it might be final (the last we have is the small fix after the customization update if you look at the list on Steam).
Post edited March 06, 2024 by joveian