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Hello all. I just installed the patches for BM and I get this message- DX12 is not supported on you system. Try running without the -dx12 or -d3d12 command line argument. Now how do I do this so I don't screw some thing up so I can play this game? I don't have galaxy and I play on an off line pc. Oh, and it ran fine before I installed the patches. Thanks.
Right click on the game shorcut and open properties. Then remove the dx12 or -d3d12 from the target command line and hit apply.
Post edited June 17, 2022 by Berzerk2k2
Hello and thanks for reaching out. Okay, I tried that, but didn't see dx12 there. I did open the "open file location" and found a short cut dx12(raytracing). I removed it but still getting that message. Not sure what to do now.
There is also a DX11 shortcut in the folder. Have you tried launching the game through that one?

Also it turns out it was the other way around with the shortcut. The game by default starts in DX11 and when you add -dx12 to the target command line in the shorcut it will enable the option to switch to DX12 in the games video options. Without adding this to the shortcut that option will be grayed out.
Okay, I tried that, no luck. So I uninstalled the game and reinstalled, without patches, and the game started, no surprise. so I checked the properties and the only difference is without the patches I have a dx12 (rtx) folder. when I install patches that folder disappears and game no work. I'm going to do a fresh install with the latest update and see how that goes. To be continued.