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I only get a "the program stopped working" after launching it from Galaxy.

I was able to play the previous game in DX11, so I tried to use the same parameter in this one too, but without success...

Looking in the folder I didn't even see a link for a DX11 version... in the Store page technical requirement is listed DX11 too.

I have Win 8.1 anyway, so could be cool to know if someone with the same system was able to run the game.

Any ideas about what I could try ?

In the mean time I'll scavenge for error logs to see if something more clear about the crash turns out.
After some fiddling I was able to start the game... I found a potential solution...

When I launched using the "-DX11" parameter, instead of getting an instant crash, I had an error that was telling something like this:
"The procedure entry point MiniDumpWriteDump could not be located in the dynamic link library..." regarding the DLL located in ".\Bright Memory Infinite\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\Nvidia\Streamline\Binaries\ThirdParty\Win64\sl.interposer.dll"

So, I just renamed the file ("sl.interposer.dll_OLD"), just in case the game had some sort of workaround, and seems I was right... the game started without complaining.

I only got a crash after I quit, but that's the least of the problems.

After some play I will confirm (or not) if this works.
I played for an hour without issues, so the solution seems working well, the game only crashes every time I quit, but that's it.