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I've noticed that the mouse cursor doesn't show when the game runs in full-screen mode. The only way I can "fix" this is to run the game in a window. Has this bug occurred for anyone else? I'm running Brigador v1.35 on Win7.
Running v1.35 on Win7 here too, and I can't recall a single time when the cursor wasn't visible.
Shows up when it should (main menu screen, pause menu screen during missions) and when it shouldn't (after unpausing).

One thing I could imagine being a possible culprit would be Galaxy (in case Brigador is launched from within the client)?
mannefriedrich: One thing I could imagine being a possible culprit would be Galaxy (in case Brigador is launched from within the client)?
I'm not using Galaxy, I used the classic installer. Which video card are you using with the game?
Two 980s, SLI'd.
I think I figured out the problem. It looks like f.lux was the reason why the cursor wasn't showing. When I disabled f.lux and ran the game again the cursor finally showed up!