Me. I participated in the kickstarter. At my tier, though, in the beginning, we were promised Beta Game Access, not a beta demo, like the one Steam already got and we are bound to get, near this month's end... Also, the prequel minigame, which was a stress goal, is a Steam exclusive item, because the Japanese company that was contracted to make it, does business only through Steam. This caused quite the inconvenience to both investors and the online services.
Although, i am considering to refund, already. All those missteps along the way; i don't like them the least bit. Especially the DRM-pro policy of that other company. I paid to receive my package hassle-free, DRM-Free. Not only that, but delays, cancel of platforms (Vita and WiiU are already axed), nasty attitude instead of polite replies ("we don't want to offer DRM-Free version, because we don't want lost sales and piracy on the rise"), etc.
Those 60 euros i paid upfront, might have a much better use, down the road.
Post edited September 13, 2018 by KiNgBrAdLeY7