It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Hope the devs are reading this.

When you reach chapter 3 an error appears in the player.log file, which seems to be caused by an incorrect integration of GOG Galaxy.

The error is:

Could not get value of statistic Travelled_Chapter3 for reason: Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstance+InvalidArgumentError: GetStatFloat: reading stat "Travelled_Chapter3" with wrong data type
at Galaxy.Api.IStats.GetStatFloat (System.String name) [0x0001c] in <82386dd73aac45b6bbea617a90164696>:0
at StatsAndAchievements.GetStatFloat (System.String apiKey) [0x0001b] in <e59e6e6095224c48a2c6513643f7aa8e>:0

Could not set value of statistic Travelled_Chapter3 for reason: Galaxy.Api.GalaxyInstance+InvalidArgumentError: SetStatFloat: setting stat "Travelled_Chapter3" with wrong data type
at Galaxy.Api.IStats.SetStatFloat (System.String name, System.Single value) [0x0001c] in <82386dd73aac45b6bbea617a90164696>:0
at StatsAndAchievements.SetStatFloat (System.String apiKey, System.Single statValue, System.Boolean rapid) [0x00015] in <e59e6e6095224c48a2c6513643f7aa8e>:0

This error is constantly written (every second or so) to the player.log file. This causes the player.log file to become really big after an hour of play. File will be 1 GB or more.
The file is located in the save folder. GOG Galaxy tries to sync the folder with the cloud saves, but has a limit of 500 MB. Therefore it fails, because the 1 GB player.log file is too big.

Besides fixing the error, it would make sense to exclude the log-files from the cloud save folder.

Thx in advance
Post edited December 31, 2023 by tr1n
I think your best bet would be to contact Hyperstrange:

You could also try reporting it to GOG's Support, since it is a problem involving GOG's own API.
I have sent this to 2 weeks ago. No response so far.
Post edited January 18, 2024 by tr1n
tr1n: I have sent this to 2 weeks ago. No response so far.
Hi, Sorry for the delay, we were working on fixing much more than just that. Thanks for reporting the problem. This problem was fixed along with some other ones reported by the community. The new build is available now :)
tr1n: I have sent this to 2 weeks ago. No response so far.
Pati_Lech: Hi, Sorry for the delay, we were working on fixing much more than just that. Thanks for reporting the problem. This problem was fixed along with some other ones reported by the community. The new build is available now :)
Thanks for posting. If you ask GOG's staff they'll give your account developer status (which will make your posts display in orange).