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Update 3.0.3


In the release version of Blood West we've done a reset of the skill point allocations, so players returning to the game can re-distribute them in the redesigned skill-tree. In some rare cases this caused the perks to reset alright, but didn't grant any skill points to distribute. This hotfix alleviates this problem, and addresses some other issues. Full changelog follows:


Long Jack no longer reduces maximum HP of the player on debuff
Alvaro’s Necklace has been slightly buffed

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that could cause players continuing game from previous specific version of the game to not have their perks/levels reset properly
Protagonist moans were too loud, we calmed him down a bit
Emerald Eyes could still provide better prices at shops without being equipped
Specific rope in Chapter 3 was trying to kill players - now it should behave properly
Fixed a bug regarding a full stack of 5 Hellbear Hearts
Fixed a bug with Devil’s Eye constantly giving more HP than it should, after save & load

Good hunting, Gunslingers!
3.0.4 (January 29, 2024)
Major Changes

• Fixed a very rare error that occurred when accessing the player’s stash that results in items being lost
• Fixed a very rare instance of items being lost - after the patch is applied, the lost items should be back in player’s inventory
• Fixed inability to save & exit the game via pause menu for some players
• Fixed issue where removing Occult Mask without full HP didn’t remove the effect
• Second level of Gunslinger perk no longer affects bosses
• Fixed rare crash that occurred on opening bags in a trading window
• Fixed an issue that could cause some players to not be able to pick up items from the ground
• Way of the Spirit is no longer tradeable

Minor Changes

• Fixed an issue that made builds using Devil’s Eye to increase player’s HP beyond the intended levels
• Disabled mouse acceleration/smoothing that was not suppose to be active
• Fixed an issue where the Emerald Eyes could be taken off without dying or using Purple Revival
• Animated Dead will no longer perform two charges/jumps in a row
• Certain artifacts and weapons were not working correctly - including Giant Leech, Drunken Master, Corrupted Liver
• Fixed an exploit that allowed player not tot pay for partial stacks of items under certain circumstances
• Fixed a case where the number of available charges of Whetstone disappeared from HUD
• Revolvers are better aligned towards the center
• Fixed an issue that could cause the cursor to disappear when the player left the trading window in a specific manner
• Spite no longer will kill player if they have exactly 5 HP remaining when trying to shoot
• Lionheart should now work correctly
• Fixed an issue where the [redacted] could be both at the old and new camp
• Blowing up enemies heads with dynamite no longer counts towards the Headhunter achievement
• Fixed a rare issue where the player was not able to move after teleporting back to the Safe Zone
• Bunch of smaller typos and improvements to translations

Balance Changes

• Undead Hunters take aim faster, making them more dangerous
• Scallywag now prioritizes throwing molotov at player over using a shotgun
• Increased the range of the stomp attack for boss of Chapter 2
• Crimson Brooch found on maps will have non-default price values
• The following perks have been slightly rebalanced: Bloodless, High Tolerance, Gotcha, Bloody Carnage, Pitcher, Strong Lungs, Alive and Dangerous, Self-taught and Gunslinger

Other improvements

• Added the ability to change keybind for item rotation on the inventory screen
• Added an the option to hide/show UI as desired, using a bindable key
• Added the ability to limit fps to a desired value

Known Issues

• Negative Stamina regeneration (until death, or next strong melee attack)
• Whetstone buff icon may remain on screen and as an effect after all charges has been used
• Enemies may stop moving under certain rare circumstances
• Rare case when one of the NPC doesn’t update correctly and softlocks player when trying to talk to them
• There were reported crashes on Chapter 3 for some players
Post edited January 29, 2024 by Berzerk2k2
Patchnotes 3.1


Fixed an issue that prevented players from leaving the Settings menu without changing their language first.
Fixed a problem regarding Nitro ammo that caused it to not deal the intended damage.
Fixed an issue where the final cinematics didn’t play and end correctly.


Improved performance during the boss fight at the end of Chapter.
Fixed an issue that could cause projectiles to disappear under specific circumstances.
Fixed an issue where the Demonic Skin and Doctor’s quest regarding it could cause the Journal not to track the quest properly.
Fixed an issue where Fast Hands and Berserker skills applied a damage buff to thrown Tomahawks.
Fixed an issue which resulted in the Crimson Brooch gaining charges as the tentacles of the Chapter 2 boss despawned.
Fixed locations where the player could get stuck.
Fixed an issue where the 3rd level of the Self-Taught skill did not apply extra experience if the player killed an enemy using a projectile.
Fixed all potential issues that may result in players falling through the level.
Fixed an issue where the Giant Leech did not give the damage buff when the player was using projectile weapons.
Fixed an instance of a problematic climbing rope in Chapter 3.
Minor LOD fixes.

New features and other improvements

Cinematics’ subtitles have been added and are now available in all languages.
Ammunition selection is now orderly and not as chaotic as before.
New option added: customizable tooltip delay.
Added a small delay between an enemy spotting the player and performing an attack. This should alleviate situations in which a player that failed to sneak upon an enemy for backstab gets immediately damaged by an instant attack.
Much improved backpacks. Items will now be placed in backpacks when inventory is full and will stack better with other stackable items of the same kind (affects both items manual pickups ups and those done with the Take All function).
Backpacks are much more capacious now. However, backpacks can no longer be found in the world and the same kind of backpack can only be bought once (this doesn’t extend to games started on previous versions of the game).
Items will be automatically rotated on pickup to fit inside the player’s inventory.
Chapter 3’s boss had its HP buffed
Reduced the amount of findable ammunition in Chapter 3 by about 10%. (including full stacks of ammo that were never intended to be full)
In Chapter 2 enemies won’t follow the player onto the top of the tower where the Priest is located anymore.
Nitro ammunition area of effect damage has been reduced from 300 to 150.
Improved gamepad tutorial.
Added an option to turn off the crosshair.
It’s possible now to keybind the mouse wheel to any action.
Further improvements to text clarity
Miners now remember to do their job and they can show it off with a new little animation.

Known issues

Audio Settings may reset or change values when leaving Settings menu. Resetting the game seems to be a workaround
3.1.1 Hotfix (do patch #2)
Fixed issue with disappearing NPCs after player’s death
Affected saves should be “fixed” after the update has been applied
Resting in beds may work to “force” the fix
Fixed an issue where Wraiths could not be damaged outside of headshots
Fixed an issue related to audio sliders not updating the proper values
Fixed an issue when canceling options would still save them
3.2.0 (October 31, 2024)
Changes and features

• Improved game introduction and tutorials
• Improved projectile throw indicator
• Added a "faster way" back to the boss fight in Chapter 1
• Weapon/Item Wheel is now available when using keyboard & mouse
• Option to automatically hide HUD
• FOV range extended up to 100

Bug fixes and improvements

• Fixed an issue where “sorting items” function could result in items being lost
• Fixed fire doing damage even on pause screen
• Fixed an issue where shotguns would shoot from both barrels instead of one after switching weapons
• Less enemies in the alternative path leading to boss fight in Chapter 1
• Fixed an issue where Chapter 2 boss could “roar” even when boss was not active
• Fixed an issue where Defiler SFX was being looped on idle
• Fixed an issue where Pawn would not increase damage of crossbows
• Fixed a potential issue where performing quest for Totem of Souls would remove Curse, but not Soul Flaws (if any were present)
• Fixed an issue where player could enter Chapter 3 boss’ neck and avoid damage in doing so
• Fixed a bug where Pawn would lose its value after teleportation
• Fixed an issue where projectile weapons would not receive buffs
• Fixed a bug in which player didn’t need more than one Ace card to get an additional buff
• Fixed a potential issue where the “hiding in bushes” modifier could be stacked
• Fixed a visual bug where key icons would not be displayed properly in in-game UI
• Fixed Emerald Eyes bonus not being active when the weapon was holstered
• Fixed a bug that could result in Tomahawks and other projectiles multiplying when hitting a Hellbat
• Fixed an issue where certain quest would not update properly when playing through Chapter 1
• Fixed Rose Bonbon potion regenerating HP while it was intended
• Fixed cinematics being corrupted when displaying on Steam Deck
• Fixed missing VO for one of Anabelle’s dialogues
• Fixed Whetstone buff remaining on the player
• Fixed an issue where it was impossible to reload a weapon after a quick weapon swap
• Fixed an issue where fade to black would not happen smoothly upon death
• Fixed wrong shader being applied to certain wooden elements in Chapter 3
• Fixed a potential issue where enemies would stop patrolling on specific circumstances
• Hitting non-vital spot (like Prodigal Daughter mask) will never trigger insta-kill effect
• Blocked a potential exploit where buying price could be lowered more than selling price (due some clever usage of perks and artifacts)
• Player will no longer be slowed down when jumping over bodies of water
• Removed a few possible stuck spots
• Improved Raven Skull - after teleport is done, any potential bleeding will stop to make sure player doesn’t die in a safe zone
• Improvements to certain VFX (most notably: dynamite)
• Dynamite’s fuse will now visually burn down when ignited until the explosion
• Improvement: Stamina will now regenerate during dialogues
• Improved aiming animation for certain enemies
• General improvements to controllers
• Improvements to how the Rattler’s headshots are tracked
• Bunch of typos and other text improvements
• Clarified description of Strong Lungs perk
• Binding a key for toggle next or previous items is now correctly recognized by the game
Version: 3.2.0 (post release patch #3)
Changes and features:

* Improved game introduction and tutorials
* Improved projectile throw indicator
* Added a "faster way" back to the boss fight in Chapter 1
* Weapon/Item Wheel is now available when using keyboard & mouse
* Option to automatically hide HUD
* FOV range extended up to 100

Bug fixes and improvements:

* Fixed an issue where “sorting items” function could result in items being lost
* Fixed fire doing damage even on pause screen
* Fixed an issue where shotguns would shoot from both barrels instead of one after switching weapons
* Less enemies in the alternative path leading to boss fight in Chapter 1
* Fixed an issue where Chapter 2 boss could “roar” even when boss was not active
* Fixed an issue where Defiler SFX was being looped on idle
* Fixed an issue where Pawn would not increase damage of crossbows
* Fixed a potential issue where performing quest for Totem of Souls would remove Curse, but not Soul Flaws (if any were present)
* Fixed an issue where player could enter Chapter 3 boss’ neck and avoid damage in doing so
* Fixed a bug where Pawn would lose its value after teleportation
* Fixed an issue where projectile weapons would not receive buffs
* Fixed a bug in which player didn’t need more than one Ace card to get an additional buff
* Fixed a potential issue where the “hiding in bushes” modifier could be stacked
* Fixed a visual bug where key icons would not be displayed properly in in-game UI
* Fixed Emerald Eyes bonus not being active when the weapon was holstered
* Fixed a bug that could result in Tomahawks and other projectiles multiplying when hitting a Hellbat
* Fixed an issue where certain quest would not update properly when playing through Chapter 1
* Fixed Rose Bonbon potion regenerating HP while it was intended
* Fixed cinematics being corrupted when displaying on Steam Deck
* Fixed missing VO for one of Anabelle’s dialogues
* Fixed Whetstone buff remaining on the player
* Fixed an issue where it was impossible to reload a weapon after a quick weapon swap
* Fixed an issue where fade to black would not happen smoothly upon death
* Fixed wrong shader being applied to certain wooden elements in Chapter 3
* Fixed a potential issue where enemies would stop patrolling on specific circumstances
* Hitting non-vital spot (like Prodigal Daughter mask) will never trigger insta-kill effect
* Blocked a potential exploit where buying price could be lowered more than selling price (due some clever usage of perks and artifacts)
* Player will no longer be slowed down when jumping over bodies of water
* Removed a few possible stuck spots
* Improved Raven Skull - after teleport is done, any potential bleeding will stop to make sure player doesn’t die in a safe zone
* Improvements to certain VFX (most notably: dynamite)
* Dynamite’s fuse will now visually burn down when ignited until the explosion
* Improvement: Stamina will now regenerate during dialogues
* Improved aiming animation for certain enemies
* General improvements to controllers
* Improvements to how the Rattler’s headshots are tracked
* Bunch of typos and other text improvements
* Clarified description of Strong Lungs perk
* Binding a key for toggle next or previous items is now correctly recognized by the game
Post edited November 06, 2024 by Pati_Lech
Version: 3.2.1 (hotfix for patch #3)

Bug fixes:

* Fixed the sorting items bug that could cause items to disappear under specific conditions - this time for good!
* HUD will display properly when using 21:9 aspect ratio.
* Fixed missing sliders in the Journal and inventory screens.
* Fixed an issue where the sensitivity option was not changed when the player changed the input device.
* Fixed an issue where the “unstuck ammo” function sometimes produces a wrong SFX.
* Fixed an issue where two Boo Hags could appear after saving & loading the game when her quest was completed.
* Fixed an issue where using Raven Skull inside a backpack could cause the ESC key to not work on the first try.
* Fixed a bug where Wraith would not chase the player.
* Fixed a case when Birdman and Prodigal Daughter could shoot the player without aiming.
* Fixed a bug where the Chaos Die could be “consumed” when using a controller or keyboard shortcut.
* Fireweed in Chapter 2 will always be picked up without checking for space in the player’s inventory.
* Lady Anabelle won’t respawn in Chapter 3 if she has already been killed.
* Broken Scream won’t produce the wrong SFX when using its cloak ability.
* Hellish Clot will now properly lose aggro.
* Projectiles will no longer snap to Drowner’s jaw, giving wrong impressions about missed headshots.
* New Blood Interactive splash screen properly displays on the widescreen.

Additionally, in the previous patch (3.2.0) we fixed an issue where enemies would not see the player properly from a distance. This results in enemies being slightly more aware of the player.

* The ammunition’s name will be visible when changing the ammo type.
* Information about ineffective shots will not be displayed when shooting corpses.
* Chapter 3 boss’ body will no longer land on an invisible collider.
* Improved the Leech AI to be less prone to getting stuck near walls and other obstacles.
* Chapter 1 boss will remain “opened” for a bit longer after forcing it open.
* When using the item wheel with a mouse, the camera will remain locked.
* It’s now possible to use Black Raven Skulls inside safe zones.
* Few small text improvements.
Version: 3.2.2 (hotfix #2 for patch #3)

Date 27.11.2024
We’ve heard you and we’ve nerfed enemy detection ranges across the board to get them more in line with old values. No more enemy spotting you across two compounds. Or that pesky Spirit noticing player from across the map. We will continue to monitor your response and adjust this in the future if needed.

Bug fix:
Fixed few more issues with 21:9 aspect ratio
Version: 3.3.0 (post-release patch #4)

Date 05.12.2024

Quality of Life improvements and new features:
List of saved games now displays a thumbnail to help figure out which save is which and where, especially useful when having a lots of different saves (applies to every new save)
Buyback! You asked for it, we listened. It’s possible to buyback any items sold by mistake (mind you, sold items will still disappear when trader’s stock refreshes when resting for example)
Cinematics are now available to watch anytime (after being unlocked, duh!) from the main menu
Read any note before even picking it up - now every new note will be displayed instantly and can be either picked up or left where it was (reading still counts towards achievement!)
Autohide HUD time to hide can be now defined in the Settings menu
Timed effects on status icons should be now easier to notice

Hearts of the same kind will no longer stack. But different heart artifacts will continue to stack, so keep those old ones around just in case!
Old Faithful now works not only with revolvers, but also pistols. Unleash ye inner yee-haw, cowboys!
Chapter 3 boss fight has been slightly improved. Most notably, weapons range is increased significantly when on the boss fight arena!

Bug fixes:
Fixed an issue where the scrollbars were not visible in certain menus
Update 4.0.0-RC4

DLC: Released Dead Man's Promise!

Base Game:

General improvements:
- Hit detection is now better than ever. We possibly removed all the rare cases where shots could miss an enemy mesh.
- Extra optimization! We’ve made lots of improvements that should improve performance for everyone. This will of course vary depending on specific hardware and location, but in our tests performance has been improved by 10%-30%.
- Improved the visibility of safe zone exits in Chapter 2
- Rattler’s chain kills won’t be removed when switching to a melee weapon and killing an enemy with a headshot with it
- Slight adjustments to Chapter 3 boss fight
- The inside of the mountain in Chapter 3 leading to the boss arena is now populated with enemies
- Boo Hag Mary will have her name properly displayed after doing her personal quest
- Updated my journal. I mean, credits!

Bug fixes:
- All kinds of modifiers should be properly removed when necessary. This should make sure now effects linger when they shouldn’t for example gold ammo being permanently stuck.
- Death Stalkers should no longer run in place if they can’t reach the player
- Another round of controller related improvements
Version: 4.0.1 (Hotfix #1 for Dead Man’s Promise)

Date 20.12.2024

Separating DMP and base game bug fixes, but I guess this can be merged. Leaving it up to you.

Bug fixes for Dead Man’s Promise:
Third level of the Hunter perk now correctly calculates bonus damage for shotgun weapons
Fixed a bug where it was impossible to buy Chicken Head at Maria Espinosa’s shop
Fixed an issue where it was impossible to interact with a certain grave

General bug fixes (base game):
Fixed issue with certain artifacts applying their modifiers again when loading a save
4.1.0 (February 12, 2025)
Bug fixes

• Fixed a bug where using ALT+F4 during player’s death could result in enemies and NPCs missing from map
• Fixed an issue where it was impossible to activate the altar at the bottom of the Mine and open portal leading to end-game
• Fixed cases where every ammo stack had only one bullet (including traders)
• Fixed a bug where Herald Talisman and Devil’s Eye buffs would reset after saving and loading a game
• Fixed a bug where melee attacks would not register correctly when using a staff
• Fixed an issue where Strix would ignore rocks being thrown at them
• Fixed a case where a Terror Eye could be performing ranged attacks on an entity other than the player and that attack would still affect the player
• Fixed a bug in which Nightmare’s SFX could stack and overlap aggressively if it couldn’t reach the player
• Fixed a case of cursed cave where Rotten Skeleton resides - the layout of objects inside it should no longer change
• Fixed certain dialogues missing their voiceover or their VO was truncated
• Fixed an issue where Coffin Amulet wouldn’t always stun a Skin Collector
• Fixed an issue where The Untouchables values in their description were incorrect
• Fixed a bug where enemies would stop moving due to specific circumstances
• Fixed an issue where a projectile like a Tomahawk would disappear after hitting an ethereal enemy like a Spirit
• Fixed an issue where it was possible to use the Music Box an unlimited amount of times by triggering a keybind
• Fixed few issues with the Hungarian translation


• Staff of the Vengeful Raven projectiles are a bit more centered and less prone to going to the right
• Strix will not move super close to the player and thus avoid certain undesired behaviours
• Shambler (the chest aka player’s stash) will no longer have its SFX overlap. Also, it will stay still when being used
• Few improvements to the Vessel enemy type that will make them slightly better at aiming and hitting the player at a distance and will not lose aggro so easily
• Added a few more firearms to certain areas of the Dead Man’s Promise map to help smoothen the gameplay for players exploring areas on their own
• Items lying on the ground will no longer risk getting kicked from the map by enemies (this will make it impossible for items like Coin Necklace or Living Vines to fall from the map)
• Small improvements to VO of the Shaman when passing portals
• Pain Threshold - extra damage nerfed from 10% to 5%
• A few improvements to controller support
• Additional artwork has been added to Dead Man’s Promise loading screens!
• Saber heavy attack is now a stab (also in base game)
• Dead Man’s Promise’s map should load much faster now!
• A slew of extra SFX improvements
• Small update to the credits and miniscule update to texts in general
4.2.0 RC5 (February 25, 2025)

• Artwork for every codex entry - yes, that’s right. You enjoyed having drawings for new monsters in Dead Man’s Promise so much we decided to update every single codex note in the game!
• Level up icon will now hide automatically when the traits screen is visited
• Information on the top of the screen will no longer pop up on top of each other
• The item wheel (~) got a new coat of paint!
• Chapter 2: Story spoiler! The Undead will now be more open about his actions toward another NPC
• Chapter 2: Boss now moves faster when enraged (rawr)
• Chapter 2: Priest location at the Fort should be easier to find now. (Just listen for somebody coughing their lungs out)
• Chapter 2: Cinematic intro is now voiced by The Shaman (Redd Pepper himself) (Further tying the story of this chapter and Dead Man’s Promise together)
• Main menu now shows if you have Dead Man's Promise installed.
• Settings menu has been reorganized into tabs to help you find the thing you’re looking for faster!
• Explosion from Dynamite now attracts enemies. Be careful with those sticks!
• Quick slot UI is now stacked vertically by default.
• Optimization that should slightly improve RAM usage
• Painting Cutter is no longer tradeable (don't wanna miss any cool secrets)
• A handful of small visual improvements and glitches fixed as well

Bug fixes

• Fixed an issue where, under specific circumstances, it would be impossible to save a game if the save name contained special characters. This fix will also make sure no new saves with special characters can be created anymore.
• Fixed an issue where music would stop playing when fighting the Chapter 3 boss
• Fixed an issue where the Emerald Eyes weapon would stop giving better prices after Save & Load
• Fixed an issue where the Chapter 1 boss wouldn’t take damage from specific weapons
• Fixed sound issues related to spears
• Fixed an issue where Death Stalkers spawned via Music Box could respawn like a normal enemy
• Fixed a visual bug where flames would remain in the player’s hand after lighting up a Molotov or Dynamite
• Eliminated few smaller, controller related bugs