Posted February 10, 2014
Lord_Dweedle: someone seriously needs to reverse engineer or steal the source code and put it on piratebay, screw the copyright holders!
didnt people steal the quake source code back in the day?
ugh im just so pissed i wanna experience Blood in a redux style badly
• Blood's alpha source code was leaked at one point and can be found fairly easy. People haven't done much with that. didnt people steal the quake source code back in the day?
ugh im just so pissed i wanna experience Blood in a redux style badly
• Atari worked with the community and gave Transfusion a quitclaim agreement, which allows use of the game resources for that project; but that's lost any kind of momentum.
• Cradle to Grave (the PostMortem project) kinda went the same way.
the XL Engine seems to be on hold, but luciusDXL still makes blog posts, so the jury is still out on that one I guess.
• BloodCM seems to be doing a really good job of converting the materials over to the eDuke32 engine. Kudos to that/those guy/s.
Others that have fallen by the way side: zBlood, Blood Source, B.L.O.O.D., Blood2Resurrection
Sadly it looks like community efforts are so spread out and in some cases out and out at war with each other, that seeing a full HR remake of Blood is just a pipe dream unless the deep pockets step in.