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First of all, my specs:

Core i7 2600K @3.4Ghz
8GB G.Skill DDR3
GeForce 660 Factory OC w/ fairly up to date drivers (second or third to latest release)
Windows 7 64 bit SP2 with latest updates
all other drivers up to date.

Relevant DOSBox settings:
Core = Dynamic
Type = Auto
Cycles = Max
Surface = OpenGL (though I witness this same behavior with overlay)
I also set the machine type to "vesa_nolfb" to avoid the weapon/interface flicker of the S3 mode, but this happened with the SVGA type set to S3 as well.
Playing the game at the default 800x600 resolution.

Using the version of DOSBox provided with "One Whole Unit : Blood" I've noticed that when you disable the "autorun" function (enabled by default) the game seems to slow down quite a bit and become less responsive - the framerate readout is the same (quite high, usually over 75 fps), but movement seems much more choppy and sluggush (not just slower), as if you're moving through molasses, you can move faster with the run key but then I get this odd movement sticking/lag while trying to turn. I've played through four episodes at the middle difficulty with the default autorun on just fine, but it would be nice to be able to disable it to fine tune keyboard aiming a bit better, and it seems odd. Anybody else seeing this? I played through Duke Nukem 3D Atomic and Shadow Warrior + both expansions in DOSBox without this problem and I have played other intensive games such as "Descent" etc. with no input lag/sluggishness. Is the game just that demanding?
Post edited September 14, 2014 by yellowblanka
yellowblanka: Relevant DOSBox settings:
Core = Dynamic
Type = Auto
Cycles = Max
Surface = OpenGL (though I witness this same behavior with overlay)
I also set the machine type to "vesa_nolfb" to avoid the weapon/interface flicker of the S3 mode, but this happened with the SVGA type set to S3 as well.
Playing the game at the default 800x600 resolution.
Hi yellowblanka,

You should watch this ADG episode "Ancient DOS Games --- Episode 147 Blood"

If I remember correctly (I dont have the time to rewatch it right now) it mentions a flickering/resolution issue and how to do something about it.

Hope this is usefull to you,
Post edited September 20, 2014 by Oga23
yellowblanka: I've noticed that when you disable the "autorun" function (enabled by default) the game seems to slow down quite a bit and become less responsive - the framerate readout is the same (quite high, usually over 75 fps), but movement seems much more choppy and sluggush (not just slower), as if you're moving through molasses, you can move faster with the run key but then I get this odd movement sticking/lag while trying to turn. I've played through four episodes at the middle difficulty with the default autorun on just fine, but it would be nice to be able to disable it to fine tune keyboard aiming a bit better, and it seems odd. Anybody else seeing this?
I apologize for my first post wich was not really helpful. I was in a hurry and mixed up things.

This is a link to a ADG Daggerfall episode that explains how high dosbox cycle settings can breake certain movement algorithms.

I have tried to reproduce your problem with Blood, and I noticed what you describe allthough only slightly.
That makes perfect sence if its an cycle issue because my 1,6 Ghz CPU can not get such high cycle counts at cycles=max like your Core i7 2600K @3.4Ghz can get.

Anyways, here is a possible solution:

set this in your blood dosbox.conf:

#(allready GOG default)

#(New settings)

set this in the game options:

screen resolution = 640x400

At 80000 cycles the movement should work with disabled autorun, It appeares 100000 cycles and above will start to breake movement with disabled autorun. Movies only work properly with cycle settings not higher than 60000.
You can adjust cycle settings ingame with: Ctr + F11 => cycledown=20000 and Ctr + F12 => cycleup=20000

Any Resolution above 640x480 will have low Fps at 80000 cycles.
Set the 640x400 Resolution after the movie has played, or you will get screen flickering, if that happens set an other resolution and than back to 640x400

So it will be a trade off, eather fixed 80000 cycles at 640x400 with working disabled autorun or cycles=max at higher resolution with enabled autorun.

Please write me a quick line if this fixed the issue for you or if this had no effect (than its no cycles issue)

kind regards,

This is not related to the performance issue but might be of interest too:

For better OpenGL biliniar filtering:

fullresolution=[Your screens nativ resolution] (GOG default: fullresolution=desktop may cause issues)
scaler=none (or GOG default normal2x if too blurry on high res displays)

For 16:9 or 16:10 Displays:

aspect=false (allready GOG default)
Ingame resolution setting: 640x400 or 848x480 (GOG default 800x600)

For better audio quality:

#(the GOG default)

#(new settings)
oplrate=44100 (22050 is GOG default)
Post edited September 29, 2014 by Oga23